chapter 7

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"I swear love for those who are not destined to meet is amazing, it's like an endless pith of Abyss where I have to drag you deeper and deeper, because in light I can't hold you rightfully, all I can do is drown you along with me, because iam too selfish to let you go, i don't regret it through, if drowning you with me is the only way I can have you,

So be it..

I'd prefer drowning you with me in the darkness where no one else can reach you, and you'll left with no one but me to hang on,
loving you is like living inside a Strom, in the end I can only come out broken, twisted and shattered. The loneliness and self insecurities you made me feel brings out my worst version out in the light, so don't blame me for being cruel, when you are no better than me."

Author note
Mention of bxb relationship.
If you are uncomfortable you can skip this chapter thank you.
          End of author note..

Year 2017
3 days after the rain incident..

Fighting between ashton and Arlo was rare but when it happens it is ugly. Most of the time There wasn’t any loud screaming, or both of them being physical. It was more like both being extremely stubborn and inconsiderate of each other’s feelings. It was a mess.

It was 7 in the evening, the sun was down and ashton and Arlo were in ashton's room. They both may be in the same room but they both were ignoring each other. Especially Ashton, who is so fed up with Arlo's constant mocking and whiny comments that he decided to completely ignore him to avoid any further arguments, but Arlo is too stubborn to accept it..

It all started at that night when an completely drenced Ashton returned back late after dropping aarav to his drom, he found Arlo lying in his bed with an pissed off expression, his then broken phone lying on the floor in pieces, which ashton assumed to be done by none other than Arlo himself, he has this similar habit to broke the first thing he can get his hands on whenever he was pissed, seems like this time his phone was the closest thing he could grab..

Their encounter didn't end well, instead of exchanging goodnights and parting their ways, Arlo being his stubborn self and kept on throwing sarcastic comments which pisses ashton even more, it's not like they were ever in the terms of exchanging goodnights and all, but still that's the common gesture exchanged between friend right,

But then again it applies for normal friends, and when it comes to the both of them, well there relationship is a little bit complicated, blame Arlo for being the expressing one and ashton for being the clueless one..

Nothing good can happen when both of them are pissed off hence it leads to a never ending argument, and at the end Arlo was kicked out of the room by a raging ashton, and for the remaining 2 to 3 days ashton completely ignored his existence, waiting for Arlo to calm down so that they can talk rather then argue over something stupid.

Which leads to the situation they are in now, it's been days since that argument, and they are still hanging on it especially Arlo..

Arlo : are you really ignoring me for that piece of shit, i can't believe this..

Arlo asked in disbelief, ashton who is lying in his bed, hoping to find a peace of mind exhaled for the 700th Time that evening. He didn't want to talk about this and he definitely didn’t want to argue. Arlo on the other hand had enough of the silent treatment he was receiving from ashton. So today he just sneaked into Ashton's room like a thief, avoiding all the maids, he came here so many times that it wasn't a hard job to do..

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