chapter 9

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"It is strange, but true, that the most important turning-points of life often come at the most unexpected times and in the most unexpected ways"

Aarav pov.

As his grip my neck tighten i realised how helpless iam, so vulnerable and pathetic, iam sick and i know that, or else there's no way he'll be here.

His cold hands pressed hard against my skin, his deep monotonic voice sent shivers to my spine, I just stood there helplessly, with my hands loosely wrapped around his wrist, in a fake attempt to get rid of his hands from my neck, when i know very well I can get rid of it, if I try too, but my own body is not listening to me like always, as if they give up instinctively without even trying.

And it's not the first time, it always happens whenever he shows up, This guy who made me so helpless everytime, his voice haunt me in my dreams, his touch made me feel so empty and mesirable, his presence taunt me mock me for those lost years which has been wiped out from my brain.

I wonder why and how he did that. Imprinting such an affect on me which I myself didn't understand.

Ashton : do you hate me now

He whispered in my ear, and i find myself gaping for air, my lips opened and closed, as if they wanted to say something but nothing comes out.

Ashton : i am sure you do, after all it's so easy for you.

He chuckled bitterly at his own comment, for some reason my eyes turned bury, he looked up from my nape and towards our reflection as he stared at our reflection our eyes met his brown eyes met mines black one,

Ashton : it always was.

Those brown eyes almost look empty but at the same time it you look at them carefully it feels like they are a pool of never-ending emotions.

Ashton : you know why.

He slowly rubbed his thumb over my neck vein back and forth, and I can feel it's warm seeping into my skin.

Ashton : that's right

soon enough something wet and warm started to roll down my eyes, and it didn't take me long to realise what it really is, my own reflection is screaming the truth, it's tear, what surprises me more is that it belongs to me, I can feel my heart cleanced painfully and the pain make it hard for me to breath, it's happening the again, and once again I realised that this guy, his mere presence is sucking the life out of me.

Ashton : coz you are a coward.

Another sting sensation run down my spine as I gasp for air..

His words hurt more then I thought

But why

What I ever did to him to deserve this, what exactly happened between us, that he haunt me till now.

Aarav : w..wh. w..why

I shutter out chocking on my own words, my own voice felt so foreign, never in my wildest dreams I ever thought that I could sound so pathetic.

Ashton : you are right again, you indeed deserve more than this.

He replied instantly as if he can read my mind.

Ashton : it's nothing special, u r just too easy to read that's all.

I knew it, I was right, he can read me like a book, when everyone else failed to do so, why is it so easy for him when everyone else finds it hard.

Ashton : stop ranking your brain on useless stuff, it'll only tire you.

He rubbed his nose smoothly against my exposed neck as if he was trying to coax me.

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