chapter 10

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"People will walk in and walk out of your life, but the one whose footstep made a long lasting impression is the one you should never allow to walk out."

Year 2017
Feb 10

It's been weeks since the incident in the cafeteria.

It's been weeks since Ashton stopped acting like a goody two shoes.

it's also been a week since they started to get bullied, the four notorious spoil brats didn't leave a single opportunity to bully the new students, they kept on messing with them every now and then, i.e whenever they spot them alone or in group, as if that's not enough, others students keeps on passing nasty comments whenever they saw them passing through, getting fed up by all this Riva and jinwoo even filed a complain but it went unheard, no one took any action, at the end they are forced to live like a mute and deaf, they can't even raise their voice coz no matter what they say no one will hear, and deaf because whenever they react to any nasty comments from other students it'll lead to an argument then everything becomes mess and they become the culprit despite the fact that it's never there fault, but does that matter

Of course not because they are the prey in the book of the 5 rulers who rules over the entire academy, and they have already stated their judgement, and sentenced them to be guilty.

They learn few things in those courses of weeks they spent here

1st never mess with the 5 kings

2nd never speak back or raise your voice

3rd keep quiet and never fight back whoever or whatever anyone say.

admireElite academy is like wildlife forest where there's only 2 rules which everyone has to follow.

1. Survival of the fittest
2. Never mess with the 5 kings
3. Strive hard to claim your own place or else back out and never come back.

It's hard but they are trying to adjust, they didn't come this far away from there hometown just to back out and run away with their between their legs, they come to thrive and they swear to fullfill there dreams and survive with all they have.

It's Friday morning

And the cafeteria is bustling with crowd of students, the four friends and one of them, they are currently sitting in there usual spot chit chatting to there heart content, this is one of those few times when they can relax and have a peace of mind before entering in the warzone of classes where there are wolves ready to tear them apart.

Chang : I'm telling you it's gonna be amazing, and I swear to have fun and enjoy it to my life content

He exclaimed excitedly Chang was being chang the social butterfly babbling to his heart's content.

Jinwoo : as if they'll ever let us, I am sure they are scheming some new plans to torment us in new ways.

He commented with boredom.

Ander : as if we don't know.

He added with an eye roll

Chang : so what

He asked with and raised brow, jinwoo looked at him and shook his head, he knows he can't win an argument with this babbling machine, so why bother.

Chang : why bother by thinking about the most obvious thing and ruin our mood and fun.

He shrugged his shoulders casually and leaned back on his chair and continued.

Chang : when we can't even stop them, why bother thinking what they are about to do, it's their problem not ours.

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