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"Stop with that heart eyes of yours please. I'm gonna lose my appetite" Hyunjin complained as Jisung was gawking at Felix with a lovesick smile on his face.

"It's my face and I can make whatever the expression I want plus it's your eyes so you are the one who decides what you looking at. So, not my problem. " Jisung shrugged his shoulder at Hyunjin and continued to throw heart eyes at Felix.

Hyunjin looked at him offended.

"I can't understand how you can like someone just by looking at them, without even talking to them." Hyunjin stated as he continued to pick at his food.

Hyunjin really didn't understand how people fall in love. It was a mystery to him. Now don't get him wrong, he really wanted to be in love with someone. He really did. But he never found that person. Never felt that rush of a spark went through his body as he made eye contact with someone, like it is said in the novels he read or like in the movies he watched.

He wanted to share every side of him with someone who really accepts it all and love him a little bit more. Let It be the good, the bad, the sad, the weird, messy and all. He saw those cute couples on tiktok. They made love seem like a dream, a fairy tale. He wanted that too.

But he also saw that how people cheat, how people change, how people lied. He never experienced any of it as he has never dated. But it made him scared of love as much as he loved it. He was afraid of being hurt, being broken, being helpless. He was afraid of being vulnerable. He knew if he loves someone he would give it his all. But his fears took over his heart.

But even if he was not afraid of falling in love, wasn't afraid of being vulnerable, wasn't afraid letting go of control, he doesn't have anyone he likes. He doesn't have a crush on anyone. So he wondered if he is someone who loves the idea of being in love but incapable of falling in love. The thought made him upset. Is it really the cause?

"I know I haven't talked to him. Bet he doesn't even know my name. But still I can see him and who he is right? The way treats everyone around him is enough for me to know that he really is a kind person. You just have to look around Jinnie. Maybe your knight in shining armour is right behind you."

Hyunjin couldn't help but bark out a laugh at the remark. Jisung made it look very easy. Being in love, falling in love. He wished it was the same for him.

"Hey, Hyunjin! Is this seat taken?" They looked up to see Felix looking at them with hopeful eyes. Taking a look around the cafeteria Hyunjin saw that there were not much empty seats. Besides this could be a great chance for Jisung to get to know Felix. So he shook his head saying no as his mouth was occupied with food.

"No it's not taken. You can sit." Hyunjin gave him a small smile.

"Thank you." Felix said with a smile as he sat down. Jisung was looking back and forth between Hyunjin and Felix open mouthed refusing to believe his crush was now sitting with him eating lunch. He pinched himself discreetly. 'Ow, it hurts'.

"I see you in the dance class every day. But I haven't got the chance to talk to you. I hope we can get along." Hyunjin nodded in acknowledgement. Felix then turned to Jisung.

"You must be Jisung right? I'm Felix." He said as he extended his arm for a hand shake.

"Oh yeah, yeah I'm Jisung. Wait, how did you know?" Jisung asked in confusion while he shook Felix's hand.

"Oh I have heard about you from Chris"

"Chris as in Channie Hyung?"

"Yup" Felix said with his mouth full of tteokbokki.

"I hope only good things." Jisung said nervously as he remembered the times he ranted about his crush on Felix to Chan. He got to know Chan through Changbin who was a mutual friend of them. The three of them immediately clicked with each other, so now three of them are pretty much inseparable. They work on music together in Chan's studio as Chan works as a producer for a respected company. Besides Hyunjin, Chan and Changbin were his closest friends.

"But how do you know him?"

"Oh he is my cousin."


Hyunjin looked at Jisung confused without knowing the inner turmoil in his head.

"Ah I see. Your cousin right. But he never told me about you." He was both nervous and furious. How could Chan hide it from him.

"Oh really. I thought you knew." Now it was time for Felix to look confused.

"Nevermind, now that we know each other. We can be friends too. " Felix said expectantly.

"Yeah sure"

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