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Chan hyung
I'll pick you up at 6.

See you soon hyung.

Hyunjin got the message few hours ago. He was now getting ready, he opted for a simple outfit. Jisung peeked in as he was back from his hangout (cough 'date' cough) with Felix.

"Where are you going?"
"I'm going out for dinner"
"With Chan hyung"
Jisung gasped dramatically.
"Since when are you this close with Chan hyung? And you did not tell me. How dare you."

Hyunjin giggled at han's reaction.
"We are just getting dinner dumbo. Calm down."
"Still you didn't tell me. And when did you even planned this?"
"Yesterday at the coffee shop he asked me. And we should never say no to free food."
"Ohh I see. But is that the only reason you are going?"
"I mean he is a nice guy. So there is no reason I shoudn't go"
"If you say so."

Right at the moment hyunjin got a message.

Chan hyung
I'm here. Are you ready?.

Yeah I'll be there in a min.

"Well I've got to go sungie. Byee"
"Have fun."

Chan was leaning against the cab waiting for hyunjin.
"Hi hyunjin, You look handsome."
Chan said as soon as he spotted the younger.
"Thanks hyung. You look handsome too. As always."
"Thank you, but I am not sure about that though."
"Come on let's get going." Chan added leaving hyunjin no time to protest about his remark.

"Actually I have few places on my mind already. But I wanted to know what you prefer. Do you have any recommendations?"
"Hyung, can we just order take away and go to our place. It would be like a late night picnic. If you are comfortable with that of course."
"Yeah sure I'd like that." Chan agreed smilling to himself.

Some people would call him silly for his choice. But rather being uncomfortable in a fancy restaurent he prefered deep conversations in a peaceful place.

They both got whatever they were craving for and drove to the city viewpoint. They settled onto the back of the cab, looking into the beautiful sight in front of them.

"So hyung why did you suddeny asked me for dinner out?"
"Well I already know everyone else. And I wanted to get to know you as well. Hope you are comfortable with it."
"Oh yeah I am comfy. Don't worry."

As the conversation started it flowed like a nonstop river. Both of them were immersed in listening to the other or what they had to say. As the night grew darker they knew each other a bit more than yesterday and less than tommorow.

"I heard you've never dated. Is that true?"
Chan asked from hyunjin.

The question itself was a vulnerable topic for hyunjin. Anyone who got to know that he never dated always had the same reaction. 'Oh why? You look handsome. Should I set you up on a date?'. Everyone was just talking about his appearance. Nobody talked about his talents or personality. Plus,
If it gets too deep he would have to talk about his insecurities as well. But Chan was so kind him all this time. And he was a good listener too.

"If you are not comfortable talking about it, you don't have to tell me"
Cham added as the hyunjin became silent.

"No I haven't dated hyung. What about you?"
"I've had two relationships. That's all for me."
"Are you single now?"

"What is it like? Being in love I mean. I'd like to know, If you are okay with talking about it."

"Well I am not an expert either. It's simple yet complicated to explain at the same time. It's kind of like, that person you are in love with will become the most beautiful person for you in the world. They would be your priority. A smile from them could make you feel happy and refreshed. A hug from them would be a safe place for you. A whisper of the words I love you would make you feel butterflies in your belly. And so on."
Chan chuckeled to himself.

"What about now? What do you feel when you think about them now?"

"Well, one of my relationships ended on good terms. While the other one cheated on me. As for that I was angry, hurt, betrayed and upset for a while. It took me time to move on from the incident. But now when I think about them I feel thankful to them. They were a part of my life which made me who I am today. I learned a lot about myself thanks to them too."

"You don't dislike the one who cheated on you?"

"I don't feel anything when I think of her."
Hyunjin hummed at the response.

"Can I ask you is there a reason why you've never dated?"

"There are many reasons to be honest."
"I'm all ears"

"First one would be my parents. They got seperated when I was 13 cause my dad cheated on my mom. That's when I knew love might not be an eternity as they say in movies. It made me hard to trust people. I was afraid to be vulnerable, but in reality I just want someone I can lean on whenever I am exhausted.
I am also not that good in expressing my emotions. I tend to keep everything inside me. These days people just date for fun. But I want something genuine. I might sound too old fashioned in this topic I am sorry."
Hyunjin said smilling sheepishly.

"That's nothing to be sorry about. Thank you for sharing it with me. But keep in mind that, not all of the people are bad. You will find someone who will love you the way you deserve."

"I hope so too. I would need someone to push my wheelchair when I'm older."
Hyunjin said with with a snicker.
Their laughter echoed through the darkness of the night.


I'm so sorry for being inactive. I'll try to update more.

Thank you for reading. Hope you have a nice time till we meet again.

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Mar 26 ⏰

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