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They were at the door to Changbin’s house. Hyunjin was feeling a little nervous already. He never went to any party if Jisung didn’t drag him into a one, he barely talked to people in the campus. He was thinking how the night would go on.

“Let’s go inside” Jisung took his hand and pulled him inside the house.
“Oh Sungie, Hyunjin you guys came.” They were both welcomed with a Felix hug. Hyunjin gave a glance to his best friend on the term Felix used to call him. But he was already busy smiling at Felix, blushing a little.

“Let’s go get something to drink. What do you guys want?” Felix looked excited to drag them to where all the drinks and food was at. Both of them grabbed a drink each.

Soon Jisung and Felix were both a little tipsy. Two of them giggling at whatever the other had to say. Hyunjin was looking at them with fond eyes, happy for his best friend.

“Let’s go dance?” Felix proposed. Jisung looked a little hesitant, glancing between Hyunjin and Felix.
“Go ahead dance with him” Hyunjin made the shooing gesture with his free hand.

“You are not going to come dance with us?”
“I’d rather sit here than third wheeling in the middle of the dance floor.” Hyunjin said with a teasing smile, making both Felix and Jisung blush.

“Will you be okay though?” Jisung asked despite his flustered state.
“Yeah, I’ll manage, I’m okay.” He was not. But he wanted Jisung to have fun as well.

Few minutes and several drinks later, Hyunjin found himself at the balcony with a refill of whatever the drink he had before. He was enjoying the night breeze with the music blasting inside the house. Suddenly someone opened the door to the balcony making him jump. The stranger seemed equally surprised to find him there.

“Oh didn’t know it was occupied here. Would you mind if I join you?” He offered a dimpled smile to a still dazed Hyunjin.

Hyunjin could tell the voice was familiar. But he couldn’t remember how.
“Yeah sure I just came out to have some fresh air.” Hyunjin gave a somewhat awkward smile to the stranger. The stranger stepped into the balcony closing the sliding door behind him. 

“Same here. By the way you look familiar. Have we met before?.”
“Um… I don’t think we’ve met before?”  He didn’t know how else he should respond to that. Plus if they met before he would probably remember a face this handsome.

“But you really look familiar though” The stranger looked at him with a frown seemingly digging his memory lane.

“What’s your name? If you don’t mind telling me.” The stranger knew how to make people comfortable around him. That’s what Hyunjin thought as he didn’t feel the awkwardness or the nervous feeling he would usually have when talking to a stranger.

“I’m Hyunjin.”
“Hyunjin? As in Sungie’s friend?”
“If you mean Han Jisung by sungie, Yes I am.”
“You definitely look more beautiful in person than those photos.” Hyunjin looked at him confused.

“I’m Chan by the way. I work on music with Sungie. He showed me a couple of photos of you before. That’s why you looked familiar to me. And I also heard a lot about you from him.”

‘Oh that’s why your voice sounded familiar to me as well’
It was good to have a face to the name now.

“Only good things I hope.” Hyunjin said with a little giggle.
“That  depends.” Chan said with a teasing smile.
“He won’t do that to me. What did he say?” Hyunjin looked at Chan with a dramatically betrayed face.
“I was just joking. Don’t worry. He talks very highly about you though.”

They continued their chat, while Hyunjin was sipping on the drink. He noticed that Chan didn’t have any drinks with him.

“You don’t drink?”
“I do. But, not too much. And I’ll have to take care of drunk Changbin tonight. So I’ll better be sober.” Chan said while flashing those cute dimples again with a smile.

Without him thinking, his hand went to poke Chan’s cheek where his dimple is at. Hyunjin blamed on alcohol for his own boldness. Future Hyunjin probably would be embarrassed by the incident. But the present Hyunjin didn’t care.

He felt Chan froze at the action for a second before taking Hyunjin’s hand from his cheek to his own.

“I think you are bit tipsy. Let’s go find your friend hmm?”
“No, I don’t wanna be a third wheel again.” Hyunjin said with a pout.
“You won’t third wheel them alone. I’ll be a third wheel with you” Hyunjin couldn’t help but giggle at the remark.
“You promise?”
“Promise” Chan said with his pinky held up. Hyunjin intervened his pinky with Chan’s, smiling. Both of them laughed out loud at their childish act.

They made their way to the living area. Soon they spotted Jisung and Felix making out with each other on the couch.
“I think it’s better not to be third wheels now.”
“You wanna go out for a drive?”
“You said you have to take care of Changbin.”
“Nah. We don’t have to worry about him. He’s in good hands.” Chan said while looking at Changbin throwing a tantrum to Minho who was trying to take him up to his bedroom. That spoiled kid.

“So what do you say?”
Normally Hyunjin would not accept such a request from someone he just met. But with Chan he wasn’t hesitant to accept it. Plus he is Jisung’s friend.
“I’ll have to tell Jisung but I also don’t wanna interrupt them.”
“Just text him. I’ll leave message too saying you are with me.”

Soon Hyunjin found himself sitting on the passenger seat of Chan’s car while Chan drove them through the night streets. It felt nice, as it was a new experience to him. After a few minutes Chan pulled over. From up the place they could see the most of the city. It was such a sight to behold.

“It’s beautiful” Hyunjin said with a small smile.
“Yeah, beautiful” He heard Chan say. But as he was busy admiring the sight upon him he didn’t see that Chan was looking at him while saying that.

They were silent for a while enjoying the sight and each other’s presence.
As the night grew darker they talked about their lives, favorite things, passions and much more. Hyunjin haven’t felt this happy and free in a while. Chan’s soothing voice wrapped around him like a warm blanket. He decided that he liked the sparkles in Chan’s eyes whenever he was talking about something that made him excited. Without both of them knowing the night eased in to the sunrise.


I hope this is not too boring.
Thank you for reading!!!

Have a nice day ♡

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