Chapter one: first day

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"Rise and shine you two it's time for your first day of high school" my mother said with a cheery tone as she opened our curtains I heard a long groan from Diana as she brought her pillow to her face while I buried my face into my covers "five more minutes" her voice muffled through the pillow "If I give you five more minutes you'll ask for five more and then next thing you know your late for school" mom said pulling the pillow off her face "that doesn't seem like a bad idea to me" "Diana! Please don't make this hard for me I have to get to work soon and if you girls want your breakfast then you better get up and dressed right now" Diana and I gave in and we both got up and dressed. Once we finished breakfast Diana and I helped each other with a out the door check list "okay! Spare house keys?" "Check!" "Phones and lunch money?" "Check and Check!" "Alrighty then let's go" I said and went outside locking the door behind us "how convenient is it that our new school is literally like across the street from us" "I find that way to convenient" I replied. We had arrived at our new school, Funkin high we had to admit it was more nice then we had imagined it to be I was still incredibly nervous though "beep!" I heard someone say I got startled by the sudden noise and jumped back bumping into Diana "ouch! be careful y/n!" "Sorry Diana I just got scared by...." I looked around but saw no one near me I guess they must of left "um I'm down here!" I heard a high voice say I looked down and saw a short boy with blue hair and a red hat "oh I'm sorry I...uh..didn't see you" I stuttered the boy lightly laughed "it's fine I get that a lot" he said "my names Keith by the way" "oh! I'm y/n and this is my younger sister Diana" I pointed to Diana she waved in response "nice to meet you guys I'm supposed to give you guys an orientation tour of the school since right?" He asked "um yes we were homeschooled but then our mom thought it would be good for us to attend a real school" I explained he nodded "ok then follow me please" he said and walked off with us following behind. "The first school hours are from 8:30 to 11:30 and then we have a 30 minute break for lunch once that is done the last hours are from 12:00 to 3:00 and then your done....unless your in a club which means you have to stay for the club hours and then your done!" Keith said while walking. I tried to keep up with Diana and Keith but I kept getting pushed back by students, some who were a lot taller than me I might add. "Hey wait up guys!" I yelled but they couldn't hear me through the crowds of students talking "and through here is the cafeteria" Keith said walking in another direction. I couldn't see which way they went "hey wait Keith! Diana! Wait for me!" I shouted and ran after them out of the groups of students. Once I was finally freed from the herd I looked around frantically for my sister and tour guide "Diana!" I looked from all directions and peeked into a few rooms but no sign of her or Keith. I walked past a few hallways until I heard some voices I stopped in my tracks and went towards the area were I heard the voices I stopped at the door of the room and carefully listened in "I assumed you heard about the new transfer students" a male voice said the tone of the voice sounded like it belonged to a middle aged man "yes I did dear and I have little to no interest in that but I just hope that they can help me with my play I have planned I still can't find the perfect role for the main characters" a higher female voice said. I peeked into the room and saw a man sitting behind a desk and a woman sitting on top off it filing her red painted nails. I stopped watching and went to go keep look for Keith and Diana. "Diana! Keith!" "Y/N!" I turned my head around and saw Diana rushing towards me with Keith running behind "where on earth were you?! We've been looking for you!" She said "I got trapped in a herd of students and lost you guys" Diana shook her head "well at least you didn't get trampled on" she joked "now that we're all together again shall we continue the tour?" Keith asked "yeah but walk more slow so I can keep up alright" I said we all laughed and went on with the tour. Once our orientation tour was finished we met a lot of new people like Keith's girlfriend who's name funny right and it turns out her parents are mommy mearest and daddy dearest her dad is the school principal while her mom runs the drama club. Speaking of clubs I wonder which one I should join all of them seem interesting like the cooking club, music club,art club, book club,photography club, literature club,and drama club but I just can't decide which one to join I do love cooking but joining a cooking club and then having to cook at home is to much cooking for me. Music club seemed nice but I don't know how to play instruments. Art club and book club are good to but if join either one then reading and drawing won't so fun for me anymore. Maybe photography.....nah who am I kidding. Something just doesn't sit right with me about the literature club...I wonder why? I guess maybe drama club might be okay. "Ok well thank you for showing us around the school Keith" I said "no problem and hey if you have trouble figuring out we're to sit at lunch just come join me and Gf" "alrighty thanks again" I waved bye as we went our separate ways me and Diana walked to our first class the teacher stopped talking at looked at the both of us " oh you are the new transfers yes?" "Yes" Diana replied "alright then, class I would like you to met your two new class mates" me and Diana both waved at the students in the class room "h-hi I'm..uh..Y/n and this is my younger sister Diana" I was surprised to find myself stuttering when I never did before " it's lovely to met you and your sister Y/n would you like to share something about yourselves to the class?" She asked "um..I..I'm....uh" " what me sister means to say is why should we give a little information about us when you can come get to know us at lunch!" Diana said (I don't think mom thought this through very well ) I thought "well said Diana very well then go have a seat" we both sat at the back of the room in two empty chairs and just my luck that the person standing in front of me was more tall than me and their head seem to look like a bomb. I tried my best to pay attention but all I could wrap me head round was why am I all of a sudden so nervous about talking to new people?

A/n: hello there I hope you enjoyed the chapter I tried my best with it and sorry no Ruv introduction yet but it's coming in the next chapter so be ready for that and also I have Twitter just look for @Ash the void dreamer until the next chapter bye 😁

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