Chapter five: the locker

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  I was in the middle of a good dream until I heard the sound of my alarm clock going off I groan and turn it off then I start getting ready for school. Once I'm done I wait for Diana to finish then I get a phone call. I take my phone out of my bag and read the unknown number, then I answer it "hello?" " alone yet?" I hear Ruv speak, I sigh "yeah what's up?" "Which class do you hate the most?" I pause for a moment when he asks me this strange question. "I beg your pardon?" "Just answer the question batty!" He says raising his tone at me "ok ok! I don't like history, why?" "...k..." I hear the phone go silent "hello?!" I groan and turn my phone off once he hangs up "what was that about?!" "What was what?" I hear Diana say as she closes the door of the house and locks it. "Oh! Nothing just a...spam call" I lie and smile nonchalantly "ok then, let's get going" I nod and follow after her, As I walk with Diana I hear her bring up an odd subject "so who's Ruv?" I freeze in my steps "what?!" I yell "yeah you talk in your sleep and I heard you say something about Ruv...stop.....I'm telling Sarv!" I blush and shake my head "it's no one important just a...grumpy weirdo" I try my best to lie but I'm not really used to it. Diana buys it and drops the topic. As we continue walking to school I see a bunch of people gathered by the gate. Keith and his girlfriend were there and Girlfriend had a speaker held up next to her ear. It was blasting music and Keith was rapping battling against another student. "Hmm I wonder what's going on over there?" I mumble then walk past them, I go to my locker then see a white small note fall out of my locker once I open it "ok miss Mearist what is it this time?" I say to myself as I read the note

History will be canceled today feel free to walk about the halls

                       Principal dearest

The principal?! There's no way this is an actual note from the principal of the whole school! And why only me? does everyone have this note?! "What the heck?" I crunch up the note and look around the other lockers to see if I could spot the same note but I couldn't "this is a prank! some dummy is trying to make me get suspended for skipping class!" I groan then roll my eyes, I grab my books then begin to walk to my first class.

                          Ruv's POV

I fumbled around with the zipper of my jacket, looking both ways of the hall I was in, everyone had already left to their classes except for me. I looked around for the hall monitor who was out here waiting to spot me and give me a citation or whatever. I thought about batty, could she have fallen for the note or would she ignore it..well knowing how much of a teachers pet she is I'm sure she's going to go to history class either way. I sigh and take a step forward stopping mid way to make sure I was alone and then I walk out of the hall way to outside of the school. The blossom trees were in bloom this time of the season I'd say they were pretty...but I'm not a fan for pink "pink....PINK!" I yell as I remember what Sarv had told me before leaving the drama club yesterday 'make sure to study up for the next test you have...the teachers have been talking about your grade level being really low lately. You could get expelled if you don't catch-up soon' I let out a frustrated groan and ball up my fist "damn it! Why can't I just play hooky on the test and have some nerd do it for me?!.....wait a minute....BATTY!"

                          Y/n's POV

As soon as the bell for lunch rings I head up and out with a big smile in my face excited to see Sarv once again, she and I have seem to grow a closer friendship these past few days and I'm thankful for that or else I would probably be one of those girl who only eats lunch in the school bathrooms if it wasn't for my sister, who has also made a few friends of her own as well so she doesn't mind me sitting with Sarvente all the time. I fill up my tray then head over to Sarv's table I see her sitting alone but before I have the chance to walk and sit down someone else grabs my arm and pulls me away from the table "hey hey! What are you doing?!" "Be quite and follow me" Ruv says I scowl and try to pull away from his grip buts its way to strong for me to wiggle out of. Ruv leads us out of the cafeteria and into the halls I set my tray on a trash bin next to a locker and glare at him "what was that for?!" "I need to talk to you about something important!" He sounds a bit desperate even a slight hint of worry yet his face holds a completely different emotion, "what?" "Are you any good at math or science.....or any subject at all?" He asks as he leans against a locker "yeah" "well you see I like to skip classes a lot so I don't really study...I have a test coming up this week and your going to do it for me" my jaw drops and I look at him in disbelief "excuse me?! I'm not doing anything for you?! You study !, it's your fault if you get expelled for being lazy and skipping classes!" I snap at him. He stands up straight his face seemed to darken and his eye glows a deep glare "oh really batty...tell me so do you like this school? Or how about your reputation as a human?" His voice was deep and ground shaking. I look at him with a small hint of fear in my eyes "I noticed how close you are to fact you guys have quite a close even" my eyes go wide "you would hurt your own friend to get me to do your homework?!" "I'm not doing anything to on the other hand...I might...." he pulls out his phone and shows me a picture of me And Sarv sitting at her lunch table the first day she invited me to sit with her, But the picture had been altered and photoshopped to make it look like she was holding my hand "I'm sure you might guess what I can do with this" "you wouldn't dare! I'm not like that with her I swear we are only friends!" "Then your going to take my test for me and give me the cheat sheets so I can have this thing done and ready..or else everyone in this school will see your flag fly!" He puts away his phone still glaring at me "deal?" I can't believe I just got blackmailed by the guy who literally gave me his phone number to hang out yesterday! I'll never figure out what's going on in his mind..or what he thinks of me "ugh! Fine deal...but I'm not like that! I'm serious!" I yell and cross my arms. I see Ruv drop his glare and gives me a mischievous smirk "oh really? prove it" I detect the flirtatious tone in his voice but I try to ignore my blush this time "I know all the songs and lyrics of one direction, nsyc, Backstreet Boys, Justin Bieber" "shh!" Ruv shushes me and puts his hand to my mouth. Only he knows were that thing has been so I try to push it off "what the hell you asked me to prove it!" "I said shut up!" He growls as he goes silent to listen in for something, I do the same and hear a girl's voice "excuse me I need a hall pass!" It sounded far away but it was coming closer accompanied with the sounds of footsteps. I hear Ruv swear under his breath and scan the lockers around him then opens one and pulls me in with him "come on Y/n hurry!" I hear him whisper as he and I hide inside the locker. He peaks through the locker grate to see where the hall monitor was at but I was a blushing and sweaty mess. Me and Ruv were positioned in the locker at a very very close angle I was pressed up against his chest and one of my hands resting on his shoulder, his jacket slightly hanged over his arms as his right hand was placed between his back and the locker wall. "She's passing by, keep quiet and try not to move so much" I nod as I try calm my fast breathing. I could hear his heartbeat it was...faster then I expected it to be it's was probably the rush of the whole situation of getting caught by the hall monitor. "Oh someone left their lunch out food for me then" I slightly groan there goes my lunch! I think to myself "shh" Ruv whispers and shifted his position a bit, now having his left hand on my waist and lower back my face heats up even more, my palms begin to sweat as my heart speeds up. "I think she left already" he whispers then opens the locker door looking around then pushing me off him "out!" He demanded I quickly walked out of the locker and try to breathe in the cold air in hopes of calming me down. "Well...I guess you proved it to me then...I believe you" I turn to him and I was about to lash out at him until I saw the small tint of pink on his face "anyway....test...I need will do it?" I nod "good.....see ya batty" he walks away to who knows where and I sigh out "what was that about?!"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06 ⏰

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