Chapter four: rehearsals

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"He WHAT?!" Sarv yells "oh Y/n I'm so sorry he did that I should have saw this coming though. Ruv has issues so I suppose it's safe to say he would have done something of this sort." She gives me an apologetic smile followed by a sympathetic gaze as we walk to drama club. "it's ok Sarv I'm the one who was gas lighting everything so no worries I'll find a way to fix this on my own I'm sure". I smile at her ,she nods and gives me a side hug ."ok I believe you, now let's get going I can't wait to see you perform again". I laugh as she pulls me along with her to the drama club. We open the door and walk inside Sarv goes to take her spot with the other backstage helpers as I walk to miss Mearist to give me my lines. I turn my head over to the stage and see him standing there giving me a ice cold glare as his free hand that holds his paper curls up into a fist slightly crushing his paper I gulp and go to stand next to him keeping my eyes on my paper "your shoes are untied" he says I react quickly and look down then Ruv knocks the papers out of my hand and sends them flying everywhere I groan and quickly try to pick them up "alright every one miss Y/n and Ruv you both need to focus on your lines so please pick up your papers Y/n" Miss Mearist says I finish grabbing the last paper and glare at Ruv before reading my line "and if so my father and mother agree to marry me off to man not of my heart then I shall overturn my seat on the throne for I shall not wed a man not of my heart for he is the man I loathe" I say as I walk around the stage and act out my scene. Ruv then follows after "come let us run far from this place and far from these other men it is I who have your heart and 'tis I who will care for you unlike these other men let us run far far away" he walks closer to me and grabs my hand crouching down onto one knee "let us go far and find sanctuary of our own and start our own lives together with each other" he speaks in a romantic and smoky tone making heat rush to my face and my palms sweaty he was really into this...almost to into it my word he was such a good actor it was almost to much. I glance at my lines and clear my throat "y-yes...let us go...a-afar from this life and I-into a new one" I speak in a wobbly voice as I look down at Ruv try to keep going on with the scene. He gets up and leans closer to me his hand goes up to brush a strand of hair from my ear as he leans in. Was this it!? Was it finally time?! did we have to kiss?! it was only the first day of rehearsals! I take in a shaky breath an lean forward a bit my hands and knees shaking with nervousness I close my eyes then Ruv speaks "and scene" he pulls away now back to his emotionless face I open my eyes confused by his actions and I put my hand to my lips "huh?" I look around in the crowd I could see the awestruck expressions they had but Sarvente didn't look very happy in fact she looked kind of angry or something. I look back at Ruv then Sarvente I felt a swarm of heat hit my face as I realized something I guess Sarv and Ruv are much much closer then I thought! "I'm so sorry!!" I yell and run out of the drama club "WAIT! Y/N what about the next scene!?" Miss Mearist yells after me "Y/n?!" I hear Sarv say in a worried tone as I bolt out of the drama club room. I run as fast as I could until I reach an empty classroom and hide in it fighting against my embarrassment and shame about the fact that I nearly kissed my friend's boyfriend! I just hope that Sarvente would forgive me I heard running footsteps coming closer to the door of the classroom I was in "Y/n were are you? Are you ok?" I hear Sarv say as I see her silhouette from the door window, I think for a moment then get up and open the door with a sad and ashamed look on my face "hey Sarvente" I speak softly she runs up to me and gives me a hug which catches me by surprise "oh Y/n I'm so sorry I shouldn't have gotten involved with you and Ruv now he's becoming your bully! This is all my fault I'm so sorry my dear friend" she says with a few tears in her eyes I frown and pat her shoulder "no it's my fault I nearly kissed him because of his stupid teasing and I nearly made him cheat on you" Sarv pulls away and gives me a weird look "cheat on me? Ruv and I aren't dating we're just good friends" as she says this I felt another wave of embarrassment coat my cheeks a bright red "oh...I thought...well when it happened you seemed so angry at me" "oh no no! I was glaring at Ruv because he was trying to tease you in front of everyone that's why I was mad not at you" I sigh and smile relieved "oh alright then" Sarv pats a seat on the ground as she sits down "You know Y/n you remind me of someone I knew when I was young...I told you that Ruv was my friend when I was a kid...but I didn't tell that I had another friend before I met Ruv" my ears perk as she speaks "you are a lot like her" I smile and nod "well I guess that means I have a good personality then haha!" I giggle she joins me "yeah...or maybe...that friend is closer to me then I thought she was" she says as she looks at me with a sweet and gentle smile I nod and smile back I then get up and dust my skirt from the back "well I better get going I wouldn't want miss Mearist to think I bailed on the whole play" Sarv gets up after me and nods "let's go" we both walk hand in hand back to the club room. Once we enter the club room again I see Ruv looking back at me but his gaze was more different now it was a serious and unreadable expression it made me feel more relaxed then I did earlier when I was with him. I take a deep breath then walk up and stand next to him and try to speak "I'm sorry that I ran out Miss Mearist" I say turning to face her she smiles "it's alright dear everyone gets some stage fright especially when acting so passionate with their partner~!" She exclaims. I blush a small bit but clear my throat and nod "ok um shall we try again? Or move on?" "we can move on dear! Alright everyone places please!" She says as she starts to hand other cast members their lines. I look up at Ruv and then tap his shoulder he looks down at me and hums in response "hmm? What is it batty?" I sigh "it's Y/n! And um...we kinda got off on the wrong foot you know maybe we can try again and stuff so we can at least try to get along while we're doing all this" I smile at him he shrugs "k....but first apologize" "huh?! Apologize?! For what?" I say raising my tone "for that! Your always so fricken angry and sassy towards me it's kinda annoying to if you want to try and hang out with me then apologize for being rude" he speaks with a serious voice and slightly angry gaze "I'm not apologizing for anything I'm standing up for myself! YOU! Were the one who bullied me in the hall!" I snap at him. Ruv scoffs and turns away from me "well then good luck trying to bound with your...'partner'" I sigh and groan "fine fine fine! Let's just start over from the top!....hey I'm Y/n" I say trying to remain positive he looks down at me and rolls his eye "Ruv....I will be calling you batty because I like it better then your real name and your going to deal with it or I will blackmail your reputation" he says with an ominous tone "Are you kidding me?! What blackmailing material could you possibly have?!" He stays quiet for a bit then puts both of his hands in his pockets "I have my ways" I bite my bottom lip harshly and speak through my teeth "fine! It's sooo nice to meet you Ruv" "wish I could say the same batty." I was growing tired of this so I just stayed quiet and watched the others act.


After club hours I say good bye to Sarv and began to walk to the school gate, while walking I hear large footsteps behind me "Yo! Batty!" I hear Ruv call out to me, I turn around "what is it?" "What do you mean what is it do you want to hang out or not dummy?" I try to keep my cool with that one "I have to get home or my mom and sister will get worried" I must have been seeing things from the glare of the sunset but I thought I saw disappointment flash over his face for a split second "k whatever, give me your phone number then" I blush a small bit and nod "ok ok" I reach for my phone in my bag and hand it to him. Ruv takes my phone and puts his number into the contacts of my phone then hands it back to me "there, I'll call you tomorrow before school so you can let your family know your busy with something after school" I take my phone back and give him a confused look "what do you mean...busy with something...wait wait are you saying you want me to lie to my own mother?!" I yell in disbelief. Ruv shrugs unfazed by the idea "duh, what else would you say?" "Oh I don't know how about the TRUTH?!" "Yeah sure go with that...'oh hello mom I'm going to be hanging out with a delinquent from school after classes don't worry I'll be safe!'....take it from me batty it's better to lie and say that's your busy with something safe then to have your mom growing grey hairs because your hanging out with me." I take a moment to think about what Ruv said and nod in agreement "I guess you have a point" he chuckles a small bit in a way of it sounding like a scoff "told you ...anyway I have to go...see ya tomorrow...batty" he walks past me and down the long empty and almost dark hallway. I roll my eyes as I walk to the school gate "see ya...Gruv" I snicker to myself as I say the nickname. "Hey y/n" Diana says as she waves at me by the gate I smile at her then we both talk as we head home.

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