Chapter two: new friends

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"Glad that's over with I'm starving" I say "me too" Diana replied, as we made our way to the cafeteria I wondered where we would sit. Keith and his girlfriend offered and insisted that we'd sit with them so I guess that's what we'll do. Lunch went well for me and Diana the food was surprisingly good we mostly just chatted with Keith and Girlfriend " so y/n have you decided what club you'll join?" Girlfriend asked me "well...I thought maybe the drama club might be good" I replied, her face changed to a surprised once "really?!" She said "I don't see what's wrong with that?" Keith said. Girlfriend shifted in her seat " I just....wasn't expecting you to say that you seem like someone who would say the cooking club or art club maybe even helping out in the school garden" I never really gave it much thought of what kind of person I looked liked to others and frankly it never bothered me before but now I can't help but feel a bit judged " do you think maybe you guys can show me where the drama club is?" "of course!....oh wait I just remembered I'm going to be busy later after school sorry.. but maybe Girlfriend can show you she's part of it anyway" "really? nice! I never would have guessed" I said. After lunch and my remaining classes I went with Girlfriend to the room that the drama club was in however while on our way there Girlfriend got a call that was important so she gave me the directions to the room " okay she said down the hall turn left then right and it's the second door on my left" I repeat her instructions as I walked down the hall "now left" I turned left then I got distracted by a noise that came from an open window and of course I let my curiosity get the best of me and so I went to the window looking down at the school gate I saw Keith and a couple other students gathered by the gate it seemed like they were singing or something... (weird) I thought to myself then left the window. Once I stepped away from the window I forgot all the directions to the room of the drama club "oh what was it down the hall left then left again?" I turned to another left down the hall " wait no maybe it was left left and right no no... left right left and third door on the right... oh boy" at this point it seemed like I was walking in circles until I bumped into someone by mistake "oof!" "ouch! oh I'm so sorry my bad I didn't mean to I wasn't looking were I was going" I apologize I almost would of said sorry in ten different languages if I had to but I didn't get to say anything else since they interrupted me " oh it's fine don't worry about it mistakes happen" the voice sounded high and feminine so I had bumped into a girl she turned around to face me I looked at her with surprised eyes her hair was pink and her face looked like Neapolitan ice cream her eyes where big and white no pupils at all! ,she wore the female school uniform but with a hot pink sweater that fell of the shoulder a bit. "Um..." I was surprised to say the least the only student here who I found surprising was the guy who I sat behind in my first class today his head was literally a bomb I later found out that his name was Whitty, "I know I know 'your face looks like Neapolitan ice cream' I get that a lot" she said with a smile "oh I'm sorry I don't mean to stare" I said sheepishly "that's fine although I've never seen you around here before are you new here?" "Uh yeah I am a new transfer student with my younger sister"I said she lit up with a big smile " OH well welcome to Funkin High!!! I'm Sarvente but you can call me Sarv!" She extended her hand out to me I took it gratefully and shook it "nice to meet you Sarv I'm Y/n" for some reason she paused when I said my name to her "are you alright?" I asked she looked puzzled and lost in thought " oh! Sorry your name just sounds familiar to me...anyway if you ever need anything don't be afraid to ask me" "oh well as a matter of fact I need help with something do you think you can help me get to the drama club I wanted to sign up for it" Sarv started to giggle " well what a coincidence I was just heading there myself come on let's go!" She pulled me along with her as she walked my hand still in hers. "Here we are" she said the door of the drama club had a big sign with the name and below it was a strange symbol of two masks one happy and one sad. I pushed the door open and walked in inside. The room was jaw dropping it was decorated a maroon color and in front was a big stage with red velvet curtains, standing on the stage was mommy mearist with a clipboard in hand "oh sorry girls the club hours are up I'm just going over the script" she said "oh wait miss mearist this young lady right here said she wanted to join the club" Sarv said nudging me in the room I waved shyly while nodding "join? Really well that's great! What's your name sweetie?" She asked me "Y/n ma'am" she wrote down on her clipboard "well Y/n I wish I could hear your acting but I'm afraid club hours are up so just come here tomorrow and show us your talent oh and welcome to the drama club" she said getting down from the stage. " thank you ma'am" I said "so polite you are I bet you'd make a perfect wife for some lucky guy" she giggled my face flushed red at that "th-thank you" I smiled sheepishly then walked out "Hey wait!" I heard Sarv say "I think you and I can be really good friends so how about you come sit at lunch with me tomorrow" "really um okay sure" she jumped a bit while clapping her hands "yay! Great see you tomorrow Y/n" "see you tomorrow Sarv" I waved good bye to her then went on my way. "There you are that took longer than I thought" Diana said leaning on the gate "sorry I got lost but found my way to the drama club with some help of a new friend" I said "and whom prey tell is this new friend?" " a really nice girl named Sarvente" I continued as we walked home "Sarvente? Weird name" she said "is she from Europe or something" " I don't know I never got talk to her much since we were in a hurry to sign me up for drama club" I said as we walked home " she offered to let me sit with her at lunch tomorrow, it is okay if leave you with Keith and girlfriend?" I asked " it's fine I'll be okay I think this is a good offer for you to make a new friend she sounds like a nice person so you should sit with her besides it be rude to turn her down" " I guess your right" I thought about what Diana said she's right I can make a new friend. " Mom we're home!" I shouted as we enter our house "I guess she's working late again" " which means I have to make diner tonight what are you in the mood for?" "Food!" Diana said plopping down on the couch I rolled my eyes at her and try to find something to make for dinner. Afterward we both went to bed or at least she did I was so nervous about tomorrow I had to perform in front of people I don't know what if I mess up and embarrass myself I'll be kicked out of the club or made fun of, every one will talking about me in gossip (oh. Boy!) I thought to myself "stop worrying about it will be okay" I tell myself and finally drift off to sleep.
The next day was the same as the previous one we got up, we ate, got dressed and went to school I'd say the lessons were both boring and interesting. On my way to my locker I saw that a note was slipped inside I opened my locker and grabbed the note

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