Chapter 24

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The ride to the steakhouse was unpleasant. The SUV had no problem fitting seven people, but I would have preferred to not be squeezed in the back with an Alessi sibling on each side.

When we'd finally arrived, Tony, Julia and I all noisily clambered out of the car after the rest of the family. Julia scraped her knee when her foot slid on the gravel, leaving a mild but ugly gash.

"Great," she mumbled, sighing. "Now my pictures are going to have blood in them."

"I'll edit it out," I replied, "don't worry." She grabbed my hand and squeezed it; I looked down at her freshly painted fingernails and squeezed back. She gave a smile that didn't reach her eyes, an alarming look for a girl who had been bouncing from foot to foot earlier in the day.

"What's wrong?" I asked as we walked through the parking lot.

"I'm a little disappointed Justin couldn't come," she said, then chewed on her lower lip anxiously. "It's not like him. What if he's cheating on me?"

I frowned. "Forget him, Jules. It's not worth the trouble. Focus on spending time with your family and celebrating this milestone."

"You're right," she agreed. "Forget him."

Once inside the dimly lit restaurant, a waitress escorted us to a table. I gazed around in awe at my surroundings: the dark wooden beams and marble floors were an indication of class and sophistication. Tony Bennet played softly in the background while we took our seats and the waitress brought us our waters.

Julia's grandmother was hard of hearing, and it seemed like the bustle of the crowded restaurant was making her uncomfortable. She was a lovely woman, but her age was slowly catching up to her. Gina was seated next to her, and I watched her adjust the elderly woman's hearing aids, then tuck a napkin into the neckline of her shirt. Side by side, I realized how similar they looked, and both so undeniably beautiful.

Vincent, clad in a dark red sweater and dress pants, was diagonal from me, with Gina on his right, his father-in-law on his left. I took this moment to fully take in his handsome features, but discreetly. His jaw was clean-shaven and smooth, accentuating its sharpness. Vincent always looked striking, but tonight was something else entirely. I took off my coat and draped it over my chair, bracing myself for the long evening ahead.

Perhaps his unavailability made him more attractive; I had to work harder to earn his attention now, but the prize would be far more rewarding. The chase was the best part, anyway. Why else do cats play with their prey before going in for the kill?

The menu was open in front of Julia's grandfather, who leaned in closer to it, eyes squinted, hands slightly shaking. Vincent's finger followed the words on the menu as he read aloud to his father-in-law, listing different cuts of steak and other choices of meat, pointing out which he preferred.

Tony was seated beside me, but his behavior was no different than it had been before our previous encounter, and it was a blessing. He joined the conversation with his grandfather and Vincent, declaring the filet mignon to be the tastiest cut.

"How's your knee?" I asked Julia, who dipped her napkin in her glass of water, then blotted the scrape with a wince.

"It's fine," she said, "it just stings a little."

"Cheer up," I said, patting her shoulder. "Worry about inhaling a nice, fat steak instead."

The waitress had arrived to take our orders shortly after settling in. Vincent cleared his throat, then spoke to the young woman with a pad and pen situated in her grasp. "We'll have the burrata, fried calamari, and crab cakes for the table please."

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