(Alt.Ending)I am just a Revenge - J.JK

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This part is a Alternative ending for those who want Happy ending. Though I decided to not to write different ending but now I am doing it.


"Dad...please Dad, If you didn't help me then how we will bring Y/n, Dad" Jungkook pleaded while kneeling in front of his father who is sitting on a couch. 

His father shook his head angrily as he looked away and sighed. it's been days his only son Jungkook is begging him on his knees to forgive him and help him to bring you back. he will apologize to everyone

"I will apologize to Y/n, Delilah, Ethan and everyone but i just need your support Dad" Jungkook said while crying, his father looked at him and shook his head

"you hurt me so much Jungkook, How much i was proud of you but you lowered my head in shame in front of Y/n and Delilah" His father scolded him with disbelief look while Jungkook silently cried, keeping his head hung low while he himself is in shame

"give me some time" His father said as he left 

while Jungkook fall on floor and cried his heart out, his tears staining the couch but he care less. after a while maid informed Jungkook that Caleb came to meet him and he is in his room so Jungkook gain courage and left to his room. 

Jungkook Room:-

"I'm accepting my mistake. I'm saying that I have done everything. I have become a stranger in my own home. Zara, mother, father. forget talking to me, they aren't even ready to see my face." Jungkook cried while Caleb looked at him with pity yet disappointment in his eyes for what have he done to his life

"You are no one to complain about. This is you who did this all." Caleb speak straight, Jungkook cried as he sat on couch in front of him and speak while crying; "Fine, man. I'm responsible, punish me. Punish me for my whole life but for now, they should at least support me...If they won't support me, how would we bring Y/n back? I need them so much." Jungkook said 

Caleb shook his head as he understand him and his words but he should understand too that his mistake was not one to be forgiving.

"It isn't that easy for them to believe this all. To believe you." Caleb replied 

"They would have to believe. I won't give up. If I can fight so much for my hatred then I will fight till end for my love." Jungkook said as he wiped his tears and looked outside the window. his tears didn't stop yet

 Caleb shook his head in disbelief and speak; "Man, why do you want to fight in everything At least try to convince someone." Jungkook looked at him and cried again, this time more harder but silently; "I am, man. I am begging everyone. What else shall I do?" He said his words, Caleb nodded his head

"Keep apologizing. Keep doing so until she forgives you. Jungkook, you love Y/n right? Can't you do this for her?" Caleb make him understand softly, Jungkook immediately nodded.

For you he is ready to do everything

Living Room:-

"I will forgive you only when Y/n will forgive you" His father strictly said, Jungkook sighed as he looked down

"how will she forgive me? i need all of your help to bring her back and gain her forgiveness" Jungkook explained with his teary eyes and shattered voice. His father looked at him and shook his head in denial making him groan in pain

Jungkook get up and as he remembered Caleb words. he thought of again trying to meet you and explain you things. he take a bath and wear his black shirt with grey jeans and black shoes. he comb his hair in good way so you won't see his miserable state.

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