05 | Ice cream and late-night driving

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I put on my jacket over my shoulders then I picked up my purse, phone, and keys from my nightstand before I made my way toward the doom room's door. I opened the door before leaving the dorm room. I looked at my best friend over my shoulder, my best friend was reading a book that her boyfriend had bought her on her bed.

"Chloe, I am going to get ice cream with Tyler. I will be back soon." I shared with my best friend about where I will be going. "Do you want me to bring you ice cream?"

"Okay Samantha, thank you for letting me know about where you are going to be. I hope you and Tyler have a fun time tonight." My best friend told me placing her bookmark on the page she was currently reading. "And yes please you know what my favorite ice cream is."

"Of course, you're welcome Choe. I hope that we do too. I will tell you everything about it when I return." I told her, smiling at her. "Okay I got it, an order of cookie dough ice cream coming right up. Have a happy reading!"

I closed the door behind me walking through the dormitory's hallway and making my way towards the elevator. I called the elevator clicking the button a few later the elevator arrived opening its doors. I entered the elevator, clicking the first-floor button and watching the doors closing. I exited the elevator a brief moment later being greeted by the night breeze surrounding me.

I zipped up my jacket putting my hands inside the pockets of my jacket walking towards the parking lot near the dorm room's building where Tyler was waiting for me. My foot touched the ground of the parking lot seeing Tyler standing outside of his car. Once his eyes landed on me a smile appeared on his beautiful lips as he walked towards me.

"Hello gorgeous, nice to see you again for the second time today." Tyler greeted me, kissing me on the cheek, wrapping his arms around my lower back surrounding his family in and warm embrace. "Are you ready to get some ice cream during our late-night driving?" He whispered into my ear while rubbing circles on my lower back.

"Hey lover boy, I can say the same thing about you." I greeted him melting into his embrace, leaning my head down against his shoulder taking a smell of his perfume. "Yes, I am ready to get ice cream as a late-night snack. I am glad that we get to do this tonight."

The main reason that Tyler and I can do this is because neither of us has morning classes tomorrow we just have afternoon classes meaning that we have the opportunity to sleep in if we want. Tyler and Nick have their first soccer practice of the week in the late afternoon.

"I knew that you couldn't get enough of me Sammy and I am not going to be complaining." Tyler said, throwing another remark my way unwrapping his hands on my lower back. "I am happy to hear that you are happy Sammy, that's all that matters. I love spending time with you so this is going to be the highlight of my night, let's go and get going to retrieve our ice cream. I don't want to bring you home super late."

"You better not complain because other than Chloe, Nick, and my younger sister. You're one of the people that I will be out at night instead of getting ready to sleep." I told him, lifting my head from his shoulder and staring deeply into his eyes. "Before we go, there is something that I would like to do first."

"Aww Sammy, I am glad that you decided to spend time with me tonight to be here with me thank you." Tyler told me, staring back into my eyes blushing a strand of my hair away from my face and putting it behind my ear. "Mind showing me what that is?"

"You're welcome, lover boy." I told him, smiling not looking away from his eyes. "It would be a pleasure to show you Archer."

As soon as those words left my mouth I leaned forward kissing him. Tyler responded to my kiss feeling his lips moving against mine at the same time my hands found their way into Tyler's soft hair.


Tyler parked his car in the first available parking slot that he saw in front of the Cold Stone store establishment. Then he turned off the ignition and he took off his seat belt. Tyler hopped down from his car closing the driver's door and started making his way towards the passenger's seat.

And of course, Tyler being the gentleman that he always is. I took off my seatbelt as he opened the passenger's door holding it open for me with a wide smile written on his lips.

"Ready to go milady?" Tyler answered me, holding his free hand up in the air. I placed my purse over my shoulder and retrieved my phone from the center console.

"Yes, I am my prince." I replied to his question, getting down from his car and placing my hand on top of his.

Tyler smiled at the sight of our hands together like a piece of a puzzle. He closed the passenger door and locked his car behind us. The two of us began walking towards the store still holding our hands together.

"Archer, don't let me forget to buy some ice cream for Chloe before we leave." I told him, entering into the store and being followed by Tyler.

"Let me guess Chloe wants cookie dough with liquid fudge and a cherry on top." Tyler said while we walked towards the display of the ice creams. "Sammy, you are an amazing best friend. I just want you to know that."

"Bingo you're correct Archer." I told him, starting to read the name of the ice creams. "I know that I am but thank you for remaining me."

"What would be my prize because I won?" Tyler asked me in his husky voice, feeling his presence near me. "Of course, do you know what you want to order?"

"Maybe your prize is that you will get another kiss later tonight Archer." I replied to his question, making my way towards the front cashier and getting in the line. "Yes I do, I want a chocolate devotion in the size love it. What about you, lover boy?"

"That sounds more than a fair reward. I love the sound of that Princess Rooney." Tyler commented, standing next in the line. "I want to try something different and try the  peanut butter cup perfection on the love it size which sounds delicious just by looking at the picture that is displayed on the menu."

"I knew that you couldn't get enough of me and my kisses." I told him, moving next in line because our turn was next. "You better give me a bite of yours so I can try it."

"Well you are 100 percent correct I will never get enough of you and your wonderful kisses." Tyler said, kissing me on my cheek. "You know that I will and you don't even have to ask me."

"Good night, welcome to Cold Stone, what would you like to order today?" A female behind the cash register asked us putting a temporary hold on our conversation and caused Tyler and I to look at her.

"Hello good night, we will have chocolate devotion, peanut butter cup perfection, and cookie doughn't you want some.  All of them would be the side love it. The cookie doughn't  you want some will go." Tyler told the worker our order.

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