15 | Emotional drained conversations

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I woke the next day feeling awful and emotionally drained from what I had last night. My mom, sister and I ended up eating our dinner in the couch's living room watching a tv show on the television. It was a nice distraction while it lasted. My sister ended up falling next to me for the reason she didn't want me to be alone after the unpleasant conversation.

Soon after I lifted my head from my pillow I saw my sister was already awake looking down at something on her phone in hand. It didn't take her long to notice that I was awake and she looked at me.

"How are you feeling sister?" My sister asked me placing her phone down on the nightstand.

"I am feeling awful and emotionally drained Lottie." I replied to her question fully with honesty.

"I am sorry to hear that Samantha, I promise you that I didn't know that he was going to show up here yesterday unannounced." My sister told me, still looking at me. "What will make you feel better?"

"Don't worry sister, I believe you." I told her, showing her a reassuring smile. "I think that I need to return to my university's campus and see my friends. I feel like I cannot be here right. I feel bad because this was supposed to be a whole weekend to be spending time with you."

"If you need to leave this place and return to your university  and be surrounded with the company of your best friends in order to feel better about what happened last night that's okay I understand. You don't need to feel bad about taking care of yourself. I know that we are supposed to spend time this entire weekend but I am glad that I got to see you. Maybe next weekend I can visit you at your university campus after asking mom for permission." My sister told me, giving me a soft sisterly hug.

"Thank you Lottie for being so understanding. I love you so much. You're an amazing little sister, I hope you know that." I told her, accepting her hug already made me feel a little better. " I will be looking forward for you to be visiting me at my university after receiving permission from our mother. I can show you my favorite places on campus."

"You're welcome my sister, I love you too. I think that I love you more. I know that I am the best little sister out there. I should get a trophy but thank you for reminding me Samantha." My sister said, earning a laugh from me as we broke off our hug. "On a serious note, I can't wait to see your favorite places at your university where I know that you feel comfortable and welcome."

"I don't think that is possible because I have loved you since I first saw you on the day you were born. Well it is super good that you know how you are an amazing sister Lottie. Maybe for a birthday present I will get you a trophy that says it." I told her, getting out of my bed and began stretching my arms. "Maybe, if you're lucky enough you can see my best friends again."

"Yes, it is very possible, my sister even I can't prove it. I know it is possible. I will be looking forward to seeing that trophy on my birthday next year." My sister told me, getting down from my bed then she picked up her phone from the night stand beside the bed. "I can't wait to see your best friends again, now let's eat some breakfast before you leave and drive back to your university and see your friends."


After I finished eating breakfast with my mother and sister I went back to my bedroom, picked up my things from the dresser and closet then I placed them inside of my bag. I went back downstairs to say goodbye to my mother and my sister and hugged them. I walked out from my home, feeling the ground of the driveway underneath my shoes. I placed my bags on the back seat and I hopped into the driver's seat.

I turned the ignition on, placed my car in reverse pulling out from the driveway. I saw my younger sister standing on the front porch waving goodbye at me with a small smile on her lips. I returned her wave with a smile of my own before I drove away from the house making my way down the street.

"Hey siri, please call the contact bestie and put it on speaker phone."  I called out to Siri, looking both ways before turning right driving towards the location of the university's campus.

"Hello my best friend, are you having a good time with your mother and sister?" My best friend asked me, answering my call after a few seconds of the phone ringing.

"Hey, Chloe, everything was going good until he decided to show up unannounced again last night." I answered my best friend's question by tightening my grip on the steering wheel so much that my knuckles were turning white.

"Oh god Samantha, really again? That's awful, what did he say to you this time?" Chloe asked me, shocking coming out her mouth, as I heard some distant noises being followed by the sound of a door closing.

My best friend knows the history between me and my ex father because I told her the short version of the story. Besides she has been present when I have received text messages and voicemails from him whenever he has been drunk until I blocked his number. Before deleting all the voicemails and text messages I screen recorded them and took screenshots just in case I needed them in the future. My best friend has been there for me more times that I can't count.

"You know Chloe the usual, nothing new he said it in the presence of my mother and sister. However this time I didn't stay quiet and I defended myself." I explained to my best friend answering her question seeing the familiar roads leading to the university's campus.

"Wow he hasn't changed a thing about him, that's wonderful. I am sorry that you went through that once again you didn't deserve to be treated that way. I am here for you if you want to talk and let it out. I am so proud of you for defending yourself and standing up for yourself against him." My best friend told me, sounding proud of me. I could hear it in her voice that brought a smile to my face driving closer to my destination.

"I am not even surprised at the fact he hasn't changed and I have a feeling that he never will and that brings an uneasy feeling to my stomach. I don't want anything bad happening to my mother and sister. I am proud of myself too, I didn't know that I had it on me, I guess that I was tired of hearing the same thing over and over again and I kind of snapped." I shared my concerns with my best friend, entering the campus after I scanned my student badge. "Anyways, I needed to leave that place because I didn't want to be there anymore after the unpleasant conversation with him. I just wanted to spend time with you, Nick and Archer. Where are you right now best friend?"

"I am with you Samantha, I don't think he will change and that's not a good sign. I don't want anything bad to happen to your mom and younger sister. I love them and they deserve better, especially your mom. I understand that's how you felt, I would feel the same way if I were in your shoes. You snapping at him it's a normal reaction to have I hope you know that." My best friend told me, while I parked my car in one of the empty spots in the student's parking lot. "Well Samantha, you're in luck because Ty is throwing a small get together right now that's where I am currently. You should come here. I would love to spend time with you and help you feel better."

"Thank you Chloe for listening to me and I am sorry for bringing this up to you once again. I don't want to keep talking about this. I am starting to feel emotionally drained again." I shared my feelings with my best friend, placing my car in park and turning off my engine. "Great, that sounds fun, I will be there soon. I need to change into a different pair of clothes. Please don't tell Archer that I will be there. I want to see his reaction when he sees me."

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