18 | Midterm

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By that time, Tyler, Chloe, Nick and I had arrived back at the university's campus from the road trip. The midterm of the semester had arrived, and this was probably my least favorite period of the university's semester next to finals week. During this, I will be having exams that I will need to take and small assignments that I need to turn in.

Part of the main reason that I am walking towards the university's library is because I believe that I can work better there than of my dorm room. I entered the library wearing my backpack over my shoulders. Quickly, I scanned looking for an available table. That's when I realized that I wasn't the only one who had the same idea to study in the library. I was lucky to spot an empty table in the back of the library, I adjusted my backpack over my shoulders and walked towards the empty table. I took off the backpack from my shoulders and carefully placed it on the table then I sat down in the chair.

I opened up my backpack, retrieving my ipad, laptop, apple pen and lastly my airpods. I placed my backpack on the ground next to my feet. I placed my Airpods on my ears followed by myself opening up my laptop. As soon as I logged my password onto my laptop, the first thing I did was connect my Airpods to my laptop. The second thing I did was open the Spotify app and started playing music from my study playlist.

I opened one of my class powerpoint presentations and started reading it and writing down the important information on my ipad. For the past three years, I have noticed that I can study better when I am listening to classical music and since then I have never stopped.

Back when I was a student in high school, my grades used to be A's and B's. By the time I graduated from high school, I was awarded the Salutatorian title. The summer before I started my freshmen year, I made a promise with myself that I was going to try and improve my grades. Now I can say three years of being a university student, my grades have changed for the better. During these three years I have gotten A's in all of my grades. I am proud of myself that I have managed to get straight A's and I know that I have made my younger self proud too.

I was so focused that I didn't hear the footsteps approaching behind me over the music. It wasn't until whoever was standing behind me softly touched my shoulder. Without any hesitation, I looked away from my ipad's screen and focused my attention on the person standing behind me.

"Oh, hey Archer, I didn't know that you were going to be here." I told him, taking my Airpods off my ears and placing them next to my ipad.

"Hello, Princess Rooney, me either it was a last minute decision. Can I sit there?" Tyler asked me, pointing at the empty chair beside me.

"Well, it's so good to see you today, Archer. Yes, of course the chair is all yours, welcome to my study corner."


"Sammy, can I lean my head against your chest?" Tyler asked me, making me look away from my laptop's screen and began looking at him. I saw Tyler holding his phone in his right hand.

"Yes, of course, you can, Archer." I replied to his question as my lips formed a smile.

"Thank you Sammy." Tyler thanked me, quickly leaning his head down against my chest. "Are you going to take a break? Because we have been studying for the past hour and I don't trying to tell you what you need to do. Sammy, I will tell by looking at your face that you need to take a break."

"I didn't know until now that you could easily read my facial expression. To make your worries disappear, yes Archer, I am going to take a break before my head starts hurting." I let him know as I locked my ipad and began playing with his dark brown hair not looking away from him.

"That's a peek of knowing you since our freshman year, Miss Rooney." Tyler told me, placing his phone inside one of his front pockets. I could tell that Tyler is starting to relax by the way his body melted against mine. "If you end up getting a headache please let me know because I have medicine on my backpack. Can I ask you a question Sammy?"

"I love that you know my facial expressions, Archer. We have come a long way since the first time we were introduced to each other." I said to him, liking the feeling of his soft hair through my fingers. "Thank you, that's good to know, Archer. Feel free to ask me any questions that you may have."

"It makes me happy hearing that you love that I know your facial expressions. Sammy, I still remember how shy you were when I first met you and now you're not so shy." Tyler said to me, sharing his perspective from the first time we met as he lifted his head from my chest to be able to look at me. "You're welcome, I like to always be prepared because I don't know when the headaches are going to make their unwanted appearance. My question is are you available this upcoming weekend?"

"You on the other hand didn't express any shyness when you wanted to make out with me on that night." I pointed out, sharing my perspective from that night. "I agree with you, it's better to be prepared than not to prepare at all. You and I are more alike than I originally thought. I believe that this upcoming weekend is fully free for you. I can't help but wonder, why are you asking me?"

"That's only because you managed to catch my attention. I am glad that you agreed to make out with me. Because now I can't imagine making out with someone else other than you on a daily basis ,Sammy." Tyler confessed as he kissed me on my cheek. "I am asking you because my family is having a small gathering this upcoming weekend and you're invited if you agree to come with me"

"I wonder why I did to catch your attention that night Archer. Me too, I can't see myself making out with someone that's not you." I smiled at the feeling of his lips on my cheek. "I accept your invitation, I would like to attend your family's small gathering this upcoming weekend, Archer."

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