23 | Little things

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My least favorite week of the month made its appearance this lovely morning a few minutes after I had woken up. To say that I wasn't feeling good would be an understatement, I was feeling awful would be a better description. The universe was on my side because it was a Saturday and I didn't have anything important on my agenda, meaning that I can stay in the four walls of my dorm room resting until I feel better. I had plans to do some of my homework but since I am not feeling the greatest I decided to do it tomorrow when I know that I will be feeling a little better.

I turned off the bathroom light, exited my bathroom and closed the door. My eyes focused on my best friend putting her shoes on. I walked towards my bed, sat down on it, opened the drawer of my nightstand and began searching for pain relief medicine.

"Are you starting to feel better Samantha?" Chloe asked me, putting her purse over her shoulder. She had a worried facial expression clear as day because she knows how hard the first day is on me.

"Not yet but when this medication kicks in, I can assure you that I will be." I placed two pills on my mouth, picked up my green water bottle from my nightstand and took a sip of water shallowing the medicine down my throat.

"Okay, well I hope you feel better soon, I wish that I could stay here and keep you some company." Chloe confessed, her worried expression transformed into a sad one.

"Chloe, I would love to have your company as well but don't worry about me I am going to be good. Plus, you think that I would let you stay here instead of going on your date with your Prince Charming I think not. Besides, I am not going to be alone, I have my books, laptop and my phone to keep me preoccupied." I pointed out, raising an eyebrow at her leaning my back against the wall behind me. "Whenever you return I would love to hear how your date went."

"I don't believe that they wouldn't be an amazing company as I am but they will suffice until I have returned, Samantha. Speaking of my date, I need to get going. Nick will be here soon and I don't want to keep him waiting." Chloe spoke, checking at the time on her phone's screen making her way to the door of our dorm room. "I will share everything about my date when I return. I promise you I will not be leaving any single detail out, goodbye roomie I love you."

"Yeah, I agree with you they will be more than enough to keep me entrained for the next couple of hours." I agreed with my best friend, making eye contact with her. "You need to get down there and wait for your prince charming to arrive. I would like not to be the reason why Nick is waiting for you downstairs. I hope you and Nick have an amazing date. I can't wait to hear everything about it. See you soon my best friend, I love you too. Please tell that Nick that I send him a hi."

Chloe made eye contact with me, opening the door of our dorm room and she showed me a kind smile before she walked out of our dorm room, closing the door as she disappeared from my eyesight.


I don't recall the exact time when I ended up falling asleep taking an unplanned nap. All that I know is that I was woken up by the sound of knocking on my dorm's door. I threw the blanket away from my body leaving it behind on my bed then I hopped down from my bed.

I walked towards the door, a little bit confused because I didn't plan with any of my best friends. Chloe and Nick are out on a date and I don't know where or what Tyler is doing today so I am really wondering who is standing on the other side of the door in the middle of the hallway.

I opened the door, seeing the one and only Tyler Archer standing in the middle of the hallway holding two plastic's bags wearing a small smile on his lips. By only seeing him already made my day ten times better.

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