Ça a l'air délicieux, my compliments to the chef.

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Note: There's explicit sexual content in the beginning. If you want to skip it, just scroll through until you find the line break that says NSFW SCENE END.


"N-Ngh...!" Rody wakes up to a teasing bite on his neck, followed by a gently kiss on the same spot to sooth the fleeting pain away. His eyelids are as heavy as bricks as he opens his eyes, only to see darkness. For a brief second, he thought that he went blind, but the soft fabric wrapped tightly around his head clued him on the fact that he was blindfolded.

He flinches, head tilting away as he feels another bite on the other side. "Stop it. Who's...?" He sits up and moves his arms to push away the person-only to freeze when he stiffen in growing anxiety when he realizes that he can neither move his arms or his legs.

Oh shit. Fuckfuckfuck.

An icy cold feeling washes over him as the thought of being helpless and at the mercy of the other person.

Was it... the scammer? Did he somehow escape from the hospital and snuck inside Rody's apartment while he's asleep?!

He starts struggling against the restrictions, shifting his entire weight around to try and dislodge the person above him. Pulse racing frantically and his instincts go haywire. He needs to get out. Now.

"Get the fuck off me!" He growls, ignoring the reprimanding pinch to his waist as he doubles his efforts, leaving rope marks on his wrists as he tugs harder against the bond. Just a little bit more! He can loosen the rope and then he frees his hands, he'll beat the absolute living crap of this bastard.

--And this time, he'll make sure to finish the job.

The other person clicks their tongue in disapproval. "Stop moving, Rody."

He freezes at the familiar gruff voice. His racing heart accelerates even more, thumping loudly against his rib cage as an insane thought appears in his mind. There's no way... is it--

"V-Vince...?" he calls out hesitantly.

The answering voice confirms his suspicions. "Be obedient and listen to my orders for once, won't you?"

Rody's mouth falls open in shock as a heavy weight sits on his abdomen, slender legs bracketing his waist; words coming out jumbled as deft hands reach to undo his collar and reveal more of his torso. "W-Why are you-What-Vince...Stop! Why are you doing this?!"

Vince leans down to press his lips on the skin directly above Rody's heart, chuckling under his breath as he grazes his teeth on it, enjoying the way the heart thumps erratically, almost sending itself to his mouth.

It'll only take one bite and this bleeding heart will be his.

"Vince!" Rody's voice rises an octave, mind reeling from the situation. He almost wished it was the scammer at least then he knows what to do. But what's he supposed to do with Vince? That's his boss! If he beats up Vince wouldn't that mean he'd have to look for a new job?

Rody ignores the fluttering inside his stomach and the way his face heats up, deep dark red flush appearing and slowly spreading down towards his neck. A tantalizing color to complement his tanned skin, a result of spending his early years working directly under the blazing sun.

Tempting him to taste.

Rody hears Vince shushing him as he replies with a drawl. "What else? I'm checking the ingredients..." Rody shivers as feels teeth teasingly graze his skin. "...to make sure nothing is spoiled." He tilts his head in confusion as Vince chuckles at his own words.

[Self-control is overrated] // Rody x Vincent (Explicit)Where stories live. Discover now