Extra: Delve into the mind of Vincent Charbonneau.

831 16 74

Note: Edited on 02/18/24. Fixed some stuff and added new lines.


When Vincent was just a mere child, his father would take him outside their mansion every weekend to go fishing at the lake located deep in the forest.

Vincent remembered how his father always looked so excited every time they leave, carrying a duffel bag filled to the brim of fishing equipment; a pair of fishing rods (one for Vincent and one for him), a tumbler full of earthworms for bait, spare fishing lines and hooks in case a fish proves too strong and breaks something, and an empty bucket for the fishes that they'll bring back home for Vincent's mother to cook.

He still had his sense of taste back then.

But it's not like he misses it even now.

For as long as Vincent could remember, he always viewed eating akin to a chore. Something that needs to be done only because his body requires it to - and not because he enjoys it.

The reason he became a chef after all, was solely because of his mother. She's an amazing chef and Vincent, who had no real ambitions or dreams, thought it'd be the norm to follow in on her footsteps. It was just pure coincidence that he's actually fucking good at it.

Just like Vincent found out that he's talented with cello as well. It's something he tried on a whim, only because his father once spoke fondly of it during dinner; about how he once played in the orchestra, and how he had to quit because his own parents deemed that this hobby of his was hindering with his studies.

Apparently, Vincent's grandparents on his father's side were a bunch of pricks.

He wouldn't know. They died from unknown reasons before he was even conceived.

But we're getting sidetracked. Let's talk about his previous experience with fishing.

Vincent finds it boring.

But not in the way you think. He doesn't find it boring not because it takes one to wait patiently for long agonizing hours just for a bite...

--He finds it boring because most of the times his father would release his catch.


What's the point of doing all of this if he's going to free the fish in the end?

Well... as per his father's words; a small fish means it's young and won't fill anyone's stomach, not even Vincent's, and a large fish is a waste of a kill. It'll be better to release it and let it breed more large fishes. In the end out of fifteen catches, his father ends up only bringing two or three for dinner.

"But what if I want to keep it?" He'd ask.

And then his father would reply. "Silly boy, we don't have the necessary things to take care of one."

Vincent finds it stupid. They have the capabilities and the money. Why can't they just go and buy whatever is needed to keep one?

"Because you'll have to do lots of things like... buying a proper filter and tank, making sure the water is clean of bacteria, buying the proper pellets or even sometimes a smaller fish for food-- it's a lot of responsibilities for someone young like you. I'm sure it's not worth the effort."

But what if it is? What then?

Then his father would just laugh patronizingly, ruffle his hair, and return back to keeping track of his fishing rod - obviously done with their conversation.

[Self-control is overrated] // Rody x Vincent (Explicit)Where stories live. Discover now