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[trigger warnings: descriptions of violence; discussions about fearing the future and related matters

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[trigger warnings: descriptions of violence; discussions about fearing the future and related matters.]

[song rec: never grow up by taylor swift]

a/n: hi again :)


What did I just walk into.”

Amara gaped at the amount of dark hair spread around the floor of the bathroom. Her satin cap halfway off as she opened the bathroom door to take a shower to start off her day. She halted at the sight of her best friend and a scissors cutting off her dark strands that slipped from her fingers, covering almost the entire floor.

“Hi.” Venus mumbled, munching on her lower lip in concentration as she twisted her arm as far as she could to be able to cut the back of her hair. “Can you help me cut the rest? My shoulder hurts.”

“I- What are you doing?”

“You get three guesses.”

Amara shook her head in disbelief, holding firmly onto the sink to not slip because of the mess. She dumped her slippers to the side to reach forward, a horrified expression slowly forming on her face as she inspected the back of Venus's hair.

“Are you high?” Amara questioned, doubting the girl's current state of mind. “Last time you were drunk you told me you wanted to go skinny-dipping—”

“I still want to.”

“... at midnight. In the Black Lake.”

Venus rolled her eyes at the look Amara was giving her through the mirror. She lowered the scissors to the sink, twisting her lips into a pout.

“Help me, please?”

Amara covered her mouth as she yawned; sleep not fully leaving her body quite yet even though the indignation from the scene in front of her was palpable.

“Give me that.” She pointed at the scissors. A large grin took over Venus' features as she passed the object to her with an excited glint sparkling up her gray eyes. “What were you thinking? Are you sure you're not high?”

“Have I told you how much I adore you?”

“Yup, definitely high. Sit down. I'm gonna try to fix whatever mess you did.”

Venus happily obliged to the request by sitting down on the toilet seat, her legs swinging back and forth.

Impulsiveness is a funny thing. Even the most self controlled person can be impulsive some times. It's when the moment goes by that you start to question your actions. Should you have done that? Well, if the answer is no, you just have to deal with the consequences. Venus wasn't sure if it had been a wise thing to take out her frustrations on her hair, but what was done was done. And Amara did a miracle with the royal mess she had achieved to do.

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