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Ayano here. This is not going to be good. I can tell y'all that, but I will go back and edit if I end up finishing this book or if worst comes to worse and I don't finish this book I'll still go back and edit it.

This book has a playlist! Feel free to give it a listen and let me know what you think of it! Here is the link for it!!

I am also sorry that this is so short. This is not a proper chapter it's kinda like a taster or something.

Anyway, read this book or not. It's up to you!


After years of dealing with abusive, years of dealing with next to no sleep or food my father finally snapped. It only took him 17 years of my life to snap, dragging my mother down with him. It took seconds for my life to go from bad to worse. Just like that the deal with a demon was formed. one that would change my life so much that I don't even know if I could get it back to the way it was. I never mad the deal, I didn't even know about the deal. so when I found out you can tell it would have been a shock to known that a demon was not following in all the shadows and watching over me like some angel to keep me safe.

I don't know how my nan got in touch with a demon, like him for all of the demons she could have summoned. This Demon was more powerful than any story you could tell yet he was not all that known. Unless you were in small towns, like this one. This town had a lot of those kinds of kills come through, or drag us out to their twisted games.

There was even killers that started in this small town that moved to bigger places. My grandfather being one of them, and his father. Now that I think about it most of my family's men would turn out to be a killer or help one. So I am not surprised that the people of this town didn't like my family, nor help when I needed it...

Clutching the unopened lettered and the wedding ring my Nan used to wear before she died, I took off down the past that lead to the woods. As a kid I used to run into the woods to play, from there I could pretend that I had a good life, that I wasn't always hungry or that I was scared of my family or thr people in this shit town.

I knew I would be safer in the woods and if I remembered correctly there was a old house that sat deep in the heart of the woods. That house was lost to people of this town and didn't show up on any maps. It was a safe place for me, safer then anywhere else. It would be run down, full of broken windows and rotting wood but at least I would have somewhat a roof over my head.

It felt like hours of running, running so much my feet hurt and the wind felt like a wip hitting my legs and face, my arms too. The trees would sway and the branches would cut my skin and make me bleed. I just didn't care, I would heal. I would be ok, I will get through this. Unless I collapse, the pain in my legs and feet had gotten me to tears, the wind and cuts from the trees where nothing more then a soft pain, one so easy to ignore I didn't notice.

"I am so close... I can't stop now..." Tripping over my own feet I was sent falling to the unforgiving ground. Rocks and sticks stab into my hands and knees making me yelp from the harsh pain. I knew that I would be bleeding later or at least I would be badly bruised. But giving up was the last thing I had on my mind but my legs had another plan. They were so numb, for a split second I could not feel them. I didn't think I had legs.

Turning back to check, a soft sigh left my mouth as I pulled myself to rest against a tree, out of the harsh wind. The letter I had shoved into my pocket was crumpled and damaged slightly but that didn't matter. I know I could still read it, later. Pulling out the ring I slipped it into my left hand. The ring it's self only fit my pointer finger so that's where it would have to stay. As a kid i had never seen my Nan without her ring on, let alone leaving it beind for me. She always said that she would take the ring to the grave, and I believed her.

Smiling softly I gently rubbed the red gem with my thumb, it was cold to touch, yet it felt wrong. The red was off, it was never this colour of red, this was too light. Was it a fake one? Did Nan really take hers to the grave? I would not put it past her, or blame her for it. But if I think back, she didnt have it one when they berried her body, could this be her ring? Without a thought I brought the ring to my cheek, pressing the cold stone to my skin.

'It was the same, it could have been the light.' I had thought as I closed my eyes, keeping the stone pressed to my cheek. Little did I know that the second I had done that, a Demon started to move to my location. Nan's deal was now in play, and this Demon was wondering who he was looking after now.

His little deer. {Alastor x Reader.} Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now