Chapter 2.

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"Sleep well... my dear." ,Even the voice of an unknown man could not shake me from the sleep that was taking over. Who ever it was, I hoped they didn't wait until I woke up to kill me. I hope they were fast about it. I didn't want to wake up only to suffer more... I was over it.


Chapter 2.
The red tail coat.

It was strange. There was a strange memory that seemed to haunt my dreams, it was the same thing over and over again, the same frozen over lake, the same screaming. Yet I never woke from that dream. It wasn't until I fall into the frozen lake and even then It wasn't until I see a hand reach in to pull me out.

I can never tell who the hand belongs to. It always leaves me so frustrated, I can't tell how reaches in to save me, I can't tell who even wanted to safe me. My Nan always said that was not a normal dream, that it was telling a part of my life that would be important but I could never tell what she ment by that. I thought it was silly, it was just a dream after all.

And today was no different. Waking up to the sun poking throught the window, it's harsh light was blinding through my eyelids. With a groan I roll over, thoughts filled my head with what happened yesterday. Having to run away, wearing Nan's old wedding ring. The letter I never opened, even that beautiful looking deer thing... with a frown I turn my thoughts to where I was.Soft bed, warm blankets and a soft pillow. No hard ground, harsh wind, or the warmth of that creature...

My eyes shot open to look around the room, having to squint at first from the harsh light. As my eyes got used to the light I took in the room I was in. Soft cram coloured walls, dark hardwood floors... a wooden dresser to my left next to a large window. To my right there was a closed door with a small bookshelf that was home to a few old looking books, a old reading chair with what looked to be a soft light blue blanket draped over the arm of the chair.

A small table next to the chair with a Vasse filled with fresh flowers, those flowers were some of my favourites, not really thinking about it as it made me smile softly. Across from the bed I was in, were a set of wooden doors. Those dubble door you see in movies all the time, the ones that I seemed to find to be rather stupid. Why need two when one works just fine... It's a question I'll never get the answer for. Over all the room was rather nice, nothing felt cramped but it also didn't feel too big that it was empty.

Putting aside that I had no memory on how I got into this place or into this bed, the room was something that I wish I could have back when I was dammed to live with vile humans that were my parents. It was something that I dreamed I could have. But I didn't wanna dwel in the past like that, I wanted to know what was beind the closed door to my right.

I swing my legs over the edge of the bed after I pulled back the light cream covers, I was still in the same clothing from yesterday, the curts and bruises on my skin seemed to be covered with bandages. It was clear someone had taken care of me but who? Shaking the thought from my head I pushed myself off the bed to stand. My legs wanted to give out right away, the pain burned like nothing I have felt in a long time making me suck in a sharp breath.

"Fuck ow ow ow ow. Shit that hurts." Not wanted to push my legs more I sit back down on the bed. For once I would have to listen to my body and try not to get up as much as I could. If I tried to move around too much I was sure I would be on the ground in tears. My legs could barely support my bodyweight when I was standing AND holding onto something, I don't want to think about what would happen if I tried to walk.

A knock at the door to the room I was staying in made me look up, fear started to eat at me again. Just like in the woods when that deer thing showed up. I didn't have anywhere to hide, I couldn't get up to run away. I couldn't keep myself safe, I couldn't stop whomever or whatever was wanting to come in.

Letting out a shaky breath, I pulled the covers back over my legs as if to hide them as I gripped the covers like my life was on the line, like I would die if I let go. "C-come in..." My voice came out much more shaky then I wanted it to. It showed just how scared I was getting by the second. Watching the doorhandle move and the door slowly get pushed open, this made me frown. Did the hear how scared I was so they wanted to go slow to try and help ease my fear or did they know that they were going painfully slow?

The first thing that came into view was a clawed hand, red and black. Next was a read sleeve that was also red, it looked like it belonged in the 1900's if they had such bright colours. I was too forced on the rest of the red coat to fully notice that the person wearing it had stepped into the room. The coat had stripes of a lighter red, black dress pants with black and red shoes. The person wearing the clothing must really like the colour red... it was almost over powering. Almost.

Looking up I see a man smiling widely at me. Sharp teeth like something you see out of kids drawings. Red eyes, red hair... there was a black strip on the bottom of his hair, it cut strange and defently not from around here. Small black horns that looked like small deer anterlers sat on top of his head with... hair tufts? They looked a lot like ears bur I wasn't going to say anything. I was still taken back by how out of place this man looked. He didn't blink offen, his smile was too... inhuman by the looks of it. Something was wrong.

Gathering the courage to speak I opened my mouth. "Did you bring me here?" I asked, my voice soft like a whispered but the unknown man seemed to hear me and gave me a small nod so I continued.

"Did you take care of all the cuts on me too?" The man just nodded at me again, tilted his head to the side slightly as he watched me. It was odd, could the man not speak? If he could did he just not wanna talk to me? With a sigh I lent back against the headboard of the bed. If he wouldn't speak the quests I had got very limited to yes or no questions.

"Is this... is this your house?" That was the last question that I could ask if this man didn't wanna talk. I look over at the man who's smile got bigger as he shock his head. The fear that had left just before seemed to come back, stronger then before. What did ne mean this was not his house? Who's house was I staying in? Where were the owners? Who's room was I staying in.

I suppose the man could see the panic and fear clear as day, because my eyes widened when I heard the old radio tone of his voice, as if he was talking to me through the radio. "Oh clam down, no one died. Not yet at least. Staying around you will prove quite the entertainment~"

I knew that voice. It was the same one before I fell asleep against the deer. Who was this smiling man?!


I want to thank you all for over 40 reads already! It means a lot of me so thank you so much!

If you wanna guess who the hand belongs to in y/ns dream let me know who you think, its not Alastor I can say that much-

As always I hope y'all enjoy this chapter, give me any feed back about the book, what you think could happen or what you would like to see happen in the comments.

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I hope to see you all in the next chapter, happy reading!

His little deer. {Alastor x Reader.} Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now