Chapter 3

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I suppose the man could see the panic and fear clear as day, because my eyes widened when I heard the old radio tone of his voice, as if he was talking to me through the radio. "Oh clam down, no one died. Not yet at least. Staying around you will prove quite the entertainment~"

I knew that voice. It was the same one before I fell asleep against the deer. Who was this smiling man?!


Chapter 3.
The radio host.




Either I am dead or I'm going to die by this creep who still looked like he lived in the 1900's... if it had colour. And if all the red didn't scream 'Hehe, I could kill you.'  Then the creepy ass smile on his face sure did! This man just screamed 'hi and am a killer, it's nice to meet you!'

I blinked a few times before looking to my left, doing what any sane human would do I grabbed a pillow and thew the dammed thing as hard as I could at the man... yeah it didn't get very far, my body still being weak from the day before, the pillow hit the edge of the bed and fell onto the floor.

We both watched as it fell on the floor with a soft thud sound. That throw was pathetic...

"Really? You try and throw a pillow of all things? Hoping it turn into stone when and if it hit me my dear?" The man's smirk seemed to grow. I didn't know how that worked but the man was clearly not human just by his looks alone. I wasn't going to think too much into it, there was no use too. After all I would just walk away with more questions than answers.

"What else did you want me to do?! Give you a kiss on the cheek?" My words came out much harsher then I wanted but seeing him lean back slightly from my words with a slight frown make me care less about how harsh I had sounded.

"Because I would not do that. Not in a million years. I don't know you and clearly your some kind of stalker, killer person that's not human!" I added on as I crossed my arms over my chest in a more defensive manner.

The man blinked with a rather unamused look on his face, still his smile didn't leave his face... Creepy ass...

"And I would not  want a kiss on the cheek. Having to carry you inside was enough physical contact to last me a long while." The way he said that, it didn't sound like he was trying to poke fun at anything, it sounded like he just didn't like to be touched. This was confusing, he struck me as some creep but the way he was talking was something else.

Something hit me. He looked a lot like some old photos that my family had, he looked like this one radio host. My Nan would play the old recording of it she had. We loved to listen to him talk about random thing and interact with letters his fans send him.

Out of the blue I started to whisper the opening line of my favourite recording, lost in thr memory of sitting what my Nan as she played them.

"You know it's time again, I am back. Oooh yes it's good to be back on the air, this is your host..." A frown fell on my face as I looked down at the blanket covering my legs, the name. The name of the host, it slipped my mind.  Why could I not remember? I would listen to those recordings for hours on end. Listen to them back to back like some podcast.

"Something wrong dear? You look ready to throw another pillow." The man chuckled softly, a laughing track played softly like we were in some talk show. This just made me frown more. Was it really the time for this man to be poking (harmless) fun at me?

With a sigh I shook my head, shaking away the now want to hit him with a pillow. 'Later, when he gets closer. If he gets closer.' I told myself and looked up at the smiling man, he tilted his head rising one eyebrow as if questioning what I was doing or thinking.

That when it hit me. The name! I remember the name! His eyes widened when the name left my lips, he was shocked, confused and proud all at the same time. For once, since I meet this strange man, I had shocked him.

"OH GREAT ALASTOR! THATS THE NAME!" I said my own eyes wide slightly, a smile on my face. Why was it such a hard name to remember? I am not sure really but was happy I remembered it now.

"No one... no one has called... me that in a long time, since I had..." His voice was softer, the radio overlay making it harder to hear his words but the shock on his face was what gave his state away. But back track, what did he mean no one has called HIM that in a long time? And since what?

"I didn't call you that. I was thinking about an old radio show from the 1900's that my Nan had. They were old recordings that she had... I didn't call you anything but this. Your a creep." I said, the smile leaving as I got confused with a frown, I have called him a creep, stalker and a killer. But I didn't say he was the radio host I had grown up on.

"But you did... that was back when I was alive." He said, taking a few steps towards me. What was going on and who in the seven fucks was this smiling man?!


Hello there, Ayano here.

Wow cliffhanger, none of my cliffhangers are good but hey no one said this book would be a good one. But I do wanna thank y'all for all the reads and the votes!

As always I hope y'all enjoy this chapter, give me any feed back about the book, what you think could happen or what you would like to see happen in the comments.

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I hope to see you all in the next chapter, happy reading!

His little deer. {Alastor x Reader.} Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now