Chapter 7: missing

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Akhero's pov's:

Fast forward to a few hours later, we find ourselves still in a daze, unable to process everything that had happened. The meteorites had stopped falling, but the portal remained, a haunting reminder of the unknown. Anso's words echo in my mind
, "A portal has absorbed Akhera." The thought of her being trapped in another realm, separated from us, fills me with a sense of urgency and determination.

The urge to enter the portal is strong, not just for Akhero but for all of us. We yearn to find Akhera, to bring her back safely, and to unravel the mysteries that lie within the portal. However, we know that rushing in without a plan would be reckless. We gather together, discussing our options and strategizing our next move.

As we contemplate our course of action, the portal suddenly cracks open, sending shivers down our spines. It's as if the portal itself is beckoning us, tempting us to step inside. But we resist the temptation, knowing that the dangers that lie within could be far greater than we can imagine.

Just as we prepare ourselves for a potential battle, a group of individuals appears out of nowhere. They possess an air of confidence and skill, their eyes filled with determination. Without hesitation, they engage the monstrous creatures that emerged from the portal, fighting with a ferocity that leaves us in awe.

Their arrival brings a glimmer of hope amidst the chaos. We watch in amazement as they effortlessly dispatch the creatures, their movements fluid and precise. It becomes clear that they are not ordinary individuals; they possess unique abilities and knowledge that make them formidable allies.

With the immediate threat neutralized, they turn their attention to us. Introductions are made, and we learn that they are a part of a secret organization known as the Guardians of the Portals. Their mission is to protect the realms from any threats that may arise from the portals.

They explain that the portal we see before us is not just any ordinary portal. It is a gateway to different dimensions, each with its own set of challenges and dangers. They warn us of the perils that await us if we choose to enter, but they also offer their assistance and guidance should we decide to embark on this perilous journey.

Ang desisyon ay mabigat sa aming isipan. Alam namin na ang daan sa harap ay mapanganib at puno ng kawalan ng katiyakan. But the love we have for Akhera, the bond we share as a family and the burning desire to uncover the truth propel us forward.

Tinipon namin ang aming tapang at determinasyon, tinanggap ang tulong ng Siyentipiko ng mga Portal. Binigyan nila kami ng mahalagang impormasyon tungkol sa portal, ang kalikasan nito, at ang posibleng mga mundo na maaaring puntahan nito.
We learn about the different creatures we may encounter, the challenges we may face, and the skills we need to develop to survive.

Days turn into weeks as we train rigorously under the guidance of the Guardians. We hone our combat skills, learn to harness our inner strengths, and develop a deeper understanding of the portals and the realms they connect. Each member of our group discovers their unique abilities, unlocking hidden potential within themselves.

Finally, the day arrives when we feel ready to venture into the portal. We stand at the threshold, a mixture of excitement and apprehension coursing through our veins. The Guardians of the Portals stand beside us, their unwavering support giving us the confidence we need to take that first step.

As we step through the portal, a rush of energy envelops us, transporting us to a realm unlike anything we have ever seen. The journey ahead is uncertain, but we are prepared. We are determined to find Akhera, to bring her back home, and to unravel the mysteries that lie within the portals.

The story continues, and we embark on a quest that will test our strength, resilience, and the power of our bonds. The challenges we face will be formidable, but we are fueled by love, hope, and the unwavering belief that we can overcome anything.

And so, with hearts filled with determination, we venture forth into the unknown, ready to face whatever lies ahead in our quest to rescue Akhera and protect the realms from the darkness that threatens to consume them.

As we step through the portal, a rush of energy envelops us, transporting us to a realm unlike anything we have ever seen. The air crackles with an otherworldly energy, and the landscape before us is both breathtaking and foreboding. We find ourselves in a vast, sprawling forest, with towering trees that seem to reach the heavens.

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