Love At First Sight

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                         Somewhat Negative thoughts + overthinking

When we arrived at church, everything seemed normal. Until I saw this boy who was volunteering for the church. He was tall, pretty, and just perfect. He was my type and everything. "No...." The voices said "He looks several years older than you. You can't do this." They said, and they weren't wrong he did look way older and he probably was. We make eye contact and immediately look away from each other. "This feels wrong." A voice says "It's like drawing with a marker and a notebook." And they weren't wrong. I was a SIMP for whoever noticed me. "I'll just try to ignore him." I thought "Service is only an hour and a half long. How hard could it be?" But little did I know, It would be impossible for me not to look at the pretty boy at least five or more times. And it seem the same for him. Every time I looked in his direction, he was always looking right back, leaving me and him with our faces looking like tomatoes. It wasn't hard for anyone else to notice that we found each other attractive. Even my mom noticed us. I thought someone as pretty as him would NEVER notice someone like me. I was quiet and always found a way to embarrass myself. After service, my mom looked at me and said "He likes you." she says loud enough for him to hear. I look at the corner of my eyes to see his facial expression and it's no big surprise that he and I are blushing. These three words my mom said leaves me to overthink about it. "Why would he like me?" "Isn't he way older than me?" As the thoughts continue, my Irish twin sees me, he walks up to me and starts yapping and blabbing about something that I don't remember because I'm still overthinking. I get to the car and was quiet. Like every car ride. We reach home and the first thing I do is get into my pj's and take a nap to stop the overthinking. It takes me about an hour to quiet the voices through songs and finally sleep. As they always say "Music is the best therapy."

A/N This chapter is a bit longer than the last one. I wish I could have included more but it's 1:45 AM and I have a busy day up ahead. Such as school spending time with my mom, and seeing my crush. If I continued, I would have finished at around 2:30 and slept in class, which I totally didn't do this morning👀 Anyways, please remember to eat the food that gives you energy, drink the magical water which keeps you alive, and sleep which might make you tired or not tired. You gotta do it to find out.

                                       I love you all and as always, 07_Bois

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