Missing the perfect boy

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                                          Missing someone + Crying⚠

Fast forward several months and we could not take our eyes off of each other. We were constantly checking each other out. And I admit, even though it was quick glances, it was VERY noticeable. I finally got his name, Oliver, Oliver Scott. Oh how much I love his name with mine. I can just imagine it, Chrissy Jameson and Oliver Scott. Everytime I heard it, I got butterflies. That's how I knew I was in love.

Fast forward a year and I found out my brother is friends with him, and I've been seeing him a lot more frequently. Before, I saw him only on Sunday's (If I was lucky enough) and now I was seeing him every single Sunday and Thursday.

Then, at Bible camp in early September, he was there. I saw him for about 4 whole days. His cabin was right next to mine, my brothers were in the same cabin as Oliver, it was just perfect. HE is perfect. Everything was just perfect. We hung out, shared jokes, had laughs, hung out, sang campfire songs, just bonding. Then when I got back home from camp, I missed Oliver. Badly. Got to the point where I would even cry myself to sleep at night. I have never done that before. I had swore not to cry over a boy but I just couldn't help it. I needed to see his face, hear his voice, see him.

I thought about him every chance that I got. The night had became my home. I had made fake scenarios in my head at 3 am and when I woke up, I was so disappointed that I have to got a whole 12 hours until I could go to my happy place without being judged. I had let it slip out a few times when I was alone but then my brothers had always caught me just mouthing words to myself and just imagining that Oliver was there right next to me with him just being his perfect self.

(A/N) After weeks of no motivation and several reminders throughout the day, I finally did it :) This was kinda short kinda long but that's ok. I have gotten back into my sport career so I might be updating less... But! Never fear, a solution is here! I have made all of next week (March 3rd 2024- March 9th 2024) a writing week where I can finally catch up on my writing because a lot had happened since the last time I updated. I do have some things preventing me from writing like events, and my mental health, but I am 1 MONTH CLEANNNNNNNN YIPPIE!!!! I believe this is an accomplishment and shall be celebrated by watching Hamilton until I finish it even though I'm seeing my crush tomorrow, this deserves to be celebrated :) So I'm just gonna wrap this up here bc I tired and need to sleep which means....

YOU. YES YOU. You need to eat the magical food that gives you energy. Drink the magical water that I need you to drink every hour and tell me which hour did the water hit different the most. And sleep the magical sleep that might make you tired or not tired.. you gotta do it to find out.

                                    I love you all and as always, 07 Bois

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