Finale | The Trouble Maker Child And The Parental Figure

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"So, who's gonna join?"

Cross was just sipping his tea, while he watched Nightmare place Killer again in the 'time-out' corner. Whether between laughing or insulting Killer was one of the things that Cross wanna do, but on the other hand?

He would rather not test out what type of punishment Nightmare had stored in for him in this type of state of his. Cross wasn't as foolish and dumb like Killer, who would be willing to test how deep the ocean without any gears on, just to find out how deep or shallow it was.

Cross was a lot smarter than Killer was.

"Heh, looks like its time-out corner for you Kills..." Dust doesn't even seem surprised either, as if he was already used to this.

Or rather did Dust expect all of this to happen? Maybe this was a daily basis thing before Cross even joined the gang, and this was nothing to the rest of them. It still doesn't change the fact that their norm here is way too weird for Cross.

But it was still weird to see Dust, Killer, and Horror in the same room. Cross always thought that the three had something against one another, or that's how Cross sees it. He had never seen the three in the same room, they were always somewhere else.

It was safe to assume that the three never liked each other.

"Funny, wanna join me here Dusty-wusty? We can't get little ol' you lonely now, can't we?"

"Keep on dreamin' Kills, keep on dreamin'. "

Cross didn't know what to feel about the three, when nothing of what he had he expected and thought was actually happening. Killer and Dust were bantering with each other? While Horror was just sitting on the floor, as he watched the two. Horror's shoulder was rising up and down, and small noises came out of him, like Horror was actually laughing?

This was getting weirder, Cross must be missing the huge part of the image here, right? But what were the missing pieces that Cross left behind?

"As long as it's ya being naked in bed, then why not?"

Nevermind, Killer was still Killer.

But Dust on the other hand? Cross couldn't tell if this was how Dust normally acted, or if Dust was in the same situation as Nightmare. Cross had barely any decent interaction with Dust, and all of his interaction with Dust was out of all of the missions that Nightmare had paired them up with.

Besides those moments were rare, Cross always preferred working alone. He liked working all to himself, and he didn't prefer killing anyone just like Killer, and Dust does. So he was rarely paired up with anyone else...

When Nightmare paired Cross with Dust, he never had the chance to talk with Dust. And Dust never really bothered opening up a conversation with Cross either, just as what Cross did with Dust. None of them really wanted or bothered to have a conversation with one another. Unlike Killer, who always tried his best to annoy and get a reaction out of Cross. Dust was the opposite, he was silent. Far more even silent than Cross, that it felt like Cross wasn't even working with someone else in order to complete the mission. Its almost like it was just Cross that time, and Dust didn't exist.

Instead of hitting Killer's head, Nightmare just made Killer face the wall again. As if Nightmare was silently saying that Killer's punishment isn't over yet.

"Sho'ld h've... stayed... quite." Horror's laughter echoed through the room, it wasn't the nicest one Cross have heard.

It was deep, and it sounded broken. It didn't sound like a genuine laugh to Cross either, it felt like Horror was mocking Killer. Maybe Cross never really liked Horror either, but he appreciated that Horror was the only one who offered him food when no one did.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15 ⏰

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