14: Surprise? - Part 1

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Kiba stashed the last bits of stuff he wanted to bring in his bag and smiled when he made sure he had everything, he kept even doing this secret from everyone but has been getting suspicious looks from the others that he just shook off.

He looked to see Akamaru wagging his tail "we have to stay quiet, alright?" Akamaru nuzzled his nose into Kiba's leg and he grabbed his bag slinging it over his shoulder. Looking around the room he grinned and he and Akamaru jumped out the window and into the night, however they were not alone.

Neji was reading near his window when he looked out to see Kiba and Akamaru jumping on the roofs, raising an eyebrow he set his book down and followed Kiba out the Window. "Kiba!" Neji called quietly as Kiba squealed a bit and quickly turned around to see Neji coming at him. "U-um, yeah?" He gave a nervous smile as Akamaru sat next to him giving a nervous whine "not helping bud" Kiba said to Akamaru who gave him a huff. "Want to tell me where you're going?" Neji asked raising an eyebrow with his arms crossed looking at the Inuzuka Infront of him. "Uh," "think of an excuse kiba!" "Taking a mission?" He lied and Neji seemed to notice it was a lie walked up to Kiba and looked down at the now more nervous Inuzuka.

"You want to tell me where you're really going, Kiba" Neji's voice slightly turned deeper and Kiba felt his face heat up a bit but dismissed any thoughts that Neji could possibly be gay "uh, mission?" Sweat began to form on Kiba's face the more Neji made his face look harder and more Sharp, he knew Kiba was lying but what made him curious was where he actually was going if it's not a mission especially at this time of night. "Kiba" Neji's voice told Kiba that it was a warning tone, he deflated in defeat.

"Tell me where you're really going, or I'll drag you to the Hokage have you tell me that way. Which one will it be, Kiba?" Neji demanded looming over Kiba who turned away "fine, I'm going Uzushio" Neji blinked "where Naruto and Shikamaru are?" Kiba nodded, "not without me" Kiba looked at Neji surprised "wait what? No, you're clan would notice especially Hinata" Neji rolled his eyes "I don't care. She never showed her true power until Naruto left, and not only that she has it in her mindset that we'll marry in the future and I already like someone who is not her. So I'm going" Kiba blinked "I wonder who he likes, probably not me...." Kiba shook that thought from his head, Neji took Kiba's hand and dragged him back to the Hyūga clan to get his stuff Akamaru followed them.

Kiba blushed as Neji held his hand, "he's holding me hand! Tell me I'm dreaming!" He mentally yelled in his while Neji enjoyed holding Kiba's hand but didn't let it show on his face as they went into his room to grab his stuff. "Are you sure you want to come with?" Kiba whispered, Neji nodded as he packed his bags "before we sneak out the gates we need to have a letter prepared for the group and Lady Tsunade" Kiba "Oh" in response to not worry the old woman who is considered Naruto's grandmother. Neji stuffed the last of his stuff in his bag before writing a letter to Tsunade once he was finished he rolled it up and tied it shut with a tye. "Come on" he took Kiba's hand again as they both silently left towards the Hokage tower, Neji made sure the office was empty before he opened the window and placed the letter on the desk for Tsunade to read and then the trio left as quietly as the appeared.

They jumped over the gates of Konohagakure and made their way to head to Suna to ask Gaara which was Uzushio was.

3 days later

Naruto stretched and yawned in his chair, he had a few clones helping out with the paperwork this time and sighed in relief when he heard his aching joints pop to relieve his body of aching muscles.

A knock came at the door and Naruto looked at the door, Shikamaru was training a batch of Genin so he wasn't in the office today "come in" he called as the door opened to reveal Neji, Kiba and Akamaru. Naruto blinked "Uh," Kiba grinned "Surprise?"

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