(20) not again

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I wonder if people will be able to guess what happens just by the intro?

I wake up with an arm almost choking me to death. I let out a gasp before I remember the warm touch next to me. The tenseness I felt before starts to slip away as I look next to me to see Natsu peacefully asleep. I look at him a little longer before waking him up. "Hey Natsu, I gotta get going levy's probably worried about me." I tell him trying to escape from his grasp. "Five more minutes." He groan adjusting a little bit. I sigh. He grabs me by my waist and pulls me back in a bit to where he's hugging me. "Natsu!" I giggle happily. He puts his head on my shoulder and closes his eyes again. "Seriously in five minutes I have to go." I tell him. "Whatever." He says half asleep.

"Natsu it's been five minutes, I have to go." I tell him. "Fine." He groans letting me go. He gets up shortly after me and I look at my phone to see of course, about 50 messages from levy. I just decide to call her, to soothe her worries. "Hey lev, sorry I didn't come home last night." I tell her with a bit of nervousness in my voice. "It's fine I was just a bit worried, since you never came home." She says. "I should have texted you, I just feel asleep and forgot to." I say while looking for where I put my clothes. "Its fine, just where those home." Natsu whispers to me making me blush a bit thinking of how levy is going to see me in his clothes. I nod my head in response. "Well I'll be home in a bit so see you soon." I tell her letting her say goodbye before I hang up. I find my clothes and put them into my bag and hold onto my giant jellyfish as well. "Here I'll hold this for you." Natsu says grabbing the bag that he gave me my gift in. "Thanks." I say smiling. We were about to leave until I notice something. "Might wanna put a shirt on Natsu." I say pointing out him still being top less. "Good idea." He says quickly changing into a shirt. We then leave to go to my dorm. "So whose gift do you like the most out of everyone's?" Natsu questions. "I've only opened yours and levs so I don't know." I say. "Well between ours then?" He asks desperate for an answer. "I like both of them the same, they mean a lot to me no matter what." I tell him. "But whose means more?" He smirks. "Enough Natsu!" I say. "Okay geez." He says rolling his eyes. While walking I keep making accidental eye contact with him, each time my eyes moving to his lips as we both look away. I just wanna kiss him!!

"Hey Luce, wanna do something together later this week." He says as a suggestion more than asking. But it makes me smile, just hearing my name from him make butterflies fly in my stomach. "Sure, but what?" I ask. "Don't know, but we can figure it out later." He says shaking his shoulders. "You seriously need to know what to do before you ask people to hang out." I sigh putting a hand up top my head.

"Wanna just stay, I have nothing better to do anyways." I ask Natsu as we get to my dorm. "Sure." He says. I open the door and walk in. "Oh my god Lu, you'll never-" Levy stops talking. "Hey Natsu." Levy says going back to her room. "Wait lev, what were you going to say?" I ask. "I'll tell you later." She says closing the door. "That's weird?" I say still wondering what's going on. "I bet you she had something bad to say about you." I snicker at Natsu. "Yeah right." He rolls his eyes. We get to my room and set everything down. "I feel like it's been awhile since we just talked." I say sitting down on my bed. "Well what should we talk about?" Natsu says sitting down next to me. "About us, Natsu." I say. "Oh, that kind of talk. Right." He says. "I mean we haven't done anything since we last talked. Weren't we supposed to?" I question. "Yeah, but I already know what I want to do, I'm just waiting for you." Natsu says. "If you know what to do, then why don't you just do it. No one's stopping you." I tell him. With no words Natsu places his lips onto mine. The feeling of his smooth lips on mine happens again. "There, you happy." He says looking into my eyes. My only thought is to kiss him back. I put my lips onto his now, returning the kiss he gave me.

"I think I should go." He says quickly leaving before I can even get a word out of my mouth.  "Wait nastu." I say following him to the door but he just leaves. "Lev!!!!" I say running to her room. "What is it Lu?" She asks worriedly. "It happened again me and Natsu kissed!" I say. "What should I do, I mean this is the second time it's happened!" I nervously pace around. "God you both are dumb." She shakes her head. "You both like each other, want to kiss each other, so why don't you just get together!!" She tells me. "I don't know lev, I'm just scared." I say. "Of what, he's not going to reject you, so you have nothing to worry about!" Levy tells me. "But..." I say. "No buts! This is from someone who is in a happy relationship, take my advice." She says calmly, which somehow starts to calm me. "You're right. I'll tell him at the summer festival." I say. "Levy can you ask everyone if they want to go to the summer festival?" I ask her with puppy dog eyes. "Yes, now stop worrying and go do something else!" Levy tells me as she takes out her phone.

Another kiss and they're not together still but maybe soon maybe not >:3
Word count: 1047

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