Chapter 2: Ponyvile

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As me and Twilight walked down the streets of Ponyvile I saw it was much more lively when I first arrived with tons of ponies walking around minding their own business while some gave me strange looks.

Y/N: Hmm I guess they think I look some strange abomination.

Twilight: Granted you are the first human in Ponyvile so you'll be getting those looks quite a bit, but don't worry I'm sure they'll get used to you.

Y/N: Yeah kinda make me feel more special being the first one here and all, so anyway where we going first.

Twilight: Well Sweet Apple Acres is close by, how about we start there?

Y/N: Sure that works for me.

We kept on going with us soon making it to what seemed like a farm of somesort

We kept on going with us soon making it to what seemed like a farm of somesort

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Y/N: So this is Sweet Apple Acres?

Spike: Yep infact this was the first place we went to first when me and Twilight moved here. Expect we actually met Pinkie Pie first not Applejack.

Y/N: So it's pretty much like going memory lane?

Spike: Yep.

We soon started to head towards the farm with us passing through the gates.

Y/N: So since you told me you came here first when you first arrived and you didn't meet Pinkie Pie here, this is where Applejack lives then?

Twilight: Yep, she lives here along with the rest of her family.

It seemed at that time we looked over and saw Applejack with her kicking trees.

Y/N: Hello Applejack.

She than turned to us with her waving.

Applejack: Hey Y/N, Twilight, Spike what brings you here?

Twilight: Oh nothing, I'm just giving Y/N a tour of Ponyvile and this was our first stop.

Applejack: Well shoot you picked the right place to start with, come Y/N I'll show you around.

I started to follow Applejack with Twilight and Spike behind me.

Y/N: So why where you kicking that tree?

Applejack: Oh that's what we call Apple bucking that's how we get the Apples from the trees.

Y/N: Well that's one way getting them down without a ladder.

Applejack snickered at my response.

Applejack: Well that's one way to put, it save a lot of time ( bucks another tree ) and energy.

As the apples fell I caught one with it being bright red. I normally am one who isn't big of apples but this one was rather different. Maybe because the apples back home aren't as usually this clean or shiny. I shrugged and took a bite out of it and it was actually really good.

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