Chapter 4: School Day

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I was with Twilight with her filling up a school bag with her having a spring her step.

Y/N: Twilight I know I have to go to school but aren't you a bit too excited.

Twilight: How could I not, this is the first time we are having a different species partaking in the equestrian educational system!

Y/N: So basically excited that I'm going to school?

Twilight: Correct, now I packed your school bag and have fun and tell me how your day went when you come back so I can tell princess Celestia how to adjust to this school along how others adjust to you.

Y/N: Ok then.

I took the bag as I slipped it on my back.

Y/N: See ya later Twilight.

Twilight: Bye Y/N.

I opened the door of the library and closed it behind me where I took out my headphones which I slipped passed Twilight. I than put them on my head and put on a song from my favorite song playlist

I started to walk down the streets of Ponyvile with the music giving me a spring to my step.

As I walked down the street I saw other ponies going about their day with me getting a few waves with me waving back. At one point I saw Applejack walking down the street with her having a wagon pulled behind her so I vaulted over it.

Y/N: Morning Applejack.

Applejack: Morning Y/N.

As I kept going I grabbed onto a lap post and spun around it and went left with me seeing the school quite a bit away. As I went down the street I saw what seemed like other kids heading to school.

I kept on walking and I went by Sugarcube corner with me jumping and grabbing a hold of the sign and pulling myself up onto the roof and jumping from roof to roof, I then grinded on a clothes line, and soon enough I jumped down from the last roof and rolled onto the ground with no issues with me dusting myself off afterwards.

???: Wow that was amazing!

I looked over and saw orange Pegasus with her on a scooter.

I looked over and saw orange Pegasus with her on a scooter

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???: How did you do that?

Y/N: Oh back home my mom would take me to the gym which is where I learned to do parkour

???: That's so cool! My name is Scootaloo, you must be that human everyone is talking about.

Y/N: Yep my name is Y/N.

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