AU (Not a Real Chapter)

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AU: Izuku Midoriya also known by his hero name “Deku” is the biological son of Prince Adam and Princess Belle of Auradon. His birth name is Ben Florian, and he is the one and only heir to the throne of Auradon. When Ben/Izuku was 6 years old his parents Belle and Adam also known to the world as “Beast” decided that they wanted their child to get out and see the real world so they sent Ben/Izuku to Japan, where he was adopted by a young woman by the name of Inko Midoriya. Inko Midoriya despised everything to do with magic, which is why she never allowed her adopted child to ever visit his parents back in Auradon.

Due to Izuku’s magical background, he was deemed quirkless at the age of 7 after Inko decided to take him to see a quirk doctor. And that's when Inko’s parenting skills seemed to go downhill… She began to mentally and physically abuse Izuku everytime she was having a bad day, and she would blame every little inconvenience in her life on the poor boy… By the time Izuku hit middle school, he was so used to getting harmed by his “mother” that he didn’t even bother trying to defend himself against the bullies who bullied him because didn’t have a quirk… After Middle school Izuku/Ben met his hero idol “All Might” who gave him a quirk known as “One For All”... Izuku immediately began training under All Might’s watch and soon he applied for “UA” High School where he was accepted under the recommendations category…

Izuku Midoriya was accepted through recommendations, and  it was revealed that Principal Nezu had known both of his parents back in Auradon who asked him to keep an eye on their child… Inko Midoriya was not a fan of this development and tried her hardest to get UA to reject the child… But Nezu refused, and flat out told Inko that her child had too much potential in him to not become a hero… Midoriya Izuku attended UA High for around 2 and a half years, before he decided it was finally time for him to return home to Auradon…

Thankfully he had taken all of his belongings away from his room back at his apartment the day Class 1A moved into the dormitories… So all Midoriya did was write a note and then he left and returned home… (Pretend like UA High is around 4-5 years worth of Hero School for the sake of this AU) After around a year or so of living in Auradon, Ben Florian previously known as Izuku Midoriya finally became the King and made a royal decree that the Children of the Isle of the Lost should be given a second Chance and now the rest is history…

Quirks & Crowns Collide: 👑🏰The Rewrite👑🏰Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя