how to fall in love

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on autopilot i fly,

gaze the world in black and white;

everything seems to be the same–

people and places,

habits and names.

i've spent all of these nights,

filling my head with "what if's" and "why's;"

never thought of anything greater,

i'm used of being left behind;

growing old but never wise,

falling short every time.

i have some nightmares,

frightened enough to make me scared;

i have this feeling,

that things will never be alright;

but you came along,

where my expectations don't–

i still have these nightmares

but with you, i am not scared.


this is how to fall in love–

it builds what is broken once,

the calm in your sleepless nights;

it helps to find meaning behind

of all the wounds you earned through time–

maybe, this is how to fall in love,

maybe, this is how i fall in love.

sweet dreams, beautiful nightmaresTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon