361 - 370

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Chapter 361

One hour later, Xiao Dong parked the car outside a private restaurant.

Nan XiangWan got out of the car and walked in.

Soon, Jie Chou's Mom came over to greet her: "How come you lost weight? What do you want to eat?"

Nan XiangWan: "Hello Auntie, I'd like to have hot pot."

Jie Chou's Mom smiled and nodded: "Good! Auntie will go prepare it! Jie Chou is in the private room, go find him yourself."

Nan XiangWan nodded and turned a corner to walk into the private room.

The not very big private room was decorated very elegantly, you could tell Auntie put a lot of heart into running this restaurant.

Jie Chou was already there, sitting at the dining table cracking melon seeds.

Seeing Nan XiangWan come in, Jie Chou excitedly got up to help pull out a chair for her and pour water.

After Nan XiangWan sat down, she drank some tea.

Jie Chou: "Hehe! How did you know this restaurant is owned by my mom?"

Nan XiangWan: "I've been here before, Gu Beihuai brought me here."

Jie Chou: "When was this? Why didn't you call me over!"

Nan XiangWan didn't banter with him and got straight to the point: "What happened to Gu Beihuai's eyes?"

Jie Chou was stunned, he didn't expect Nan XiangWan to specially meet up with him to ask about this.

After a long silence, Jie Chou told the whole story from the beginning.

The story was very long, spanning Gu Beihuai's entire 25 years of life.

In between, Auntie came in twice to serve dishes and added some comments when she overheard their conversation.

Nan XiangWan listened while eating, very surprised after hearing everything.

Beibei has lived such an exciting 25 years!

The youngest first-class contributor in China, the most mysterious special forces team Long Yan's former member, and a graduate of the international special forces training base Hunter School (currently only 3 Chinese military personnel have graduated from this base).

With such a rich background, it was discontinued at 16.

Because Gu Beihuai was injured and lost his eyesight during an international mission.

Nan XiangWan: "Blinded?!"

Jie Chou ate a big piece of meat: "Yeah! It was very serious at the time, took half a year of treatment before he could open his eyes again."

Nan XiangWan: "Then what?"

Jie Chou: "Then he retired from the military, because his eyes could no longer withstand the high intensity daily life of special forces. He went into singing and unexpectedly became a heavenly king, earned a lot money."

After speaking, he drank a mouthful of soup with a slurp.

Nan XiangWan also slurped a mouthful of soup, hmm this soup is so delicious.

Jie Chou: "But why did you ask about this?"

Nan XiangWan: "His eyes were irritated by an Audi's headlights, and irritated for quite a while."

Jie Chou: "Pffft cough cough cough!"

Jie Chou choked straight on the soup, very worried: "Is he alright? Did he go to the hospital?"

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