Little Boy

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A/n: Jake is not 6 feet with his tall ass. he is at least 5'5. tall enough to be picked up. also Jake is a little in this chapter, if you're not comfortable with this chapter please skip it.

Jake is a special little boy to Y/n. Y/n has always loved him. Since they were kids, Jake has always acted a bit strange to others, but never Y/n. 

At the beginning of their relationship, Jake was clingy and acted similar to a kid. 

She soon figured out he was a little. And she was relieved. 

She had dealt with littles before so it was nothing new to her.

"I just thought you were going to judge me."

"Judging you for something that helps you is the last thing I would do."

Today marks the two year anniversary Jake told Y/n he has autism and he is a little.  Jake had forgotten, simply because of his young mindset. But Y/n never forgot. 

It was currently 8:35. Johnnie, Tara, and Y/n were waking up to go out to the mall. Y/n woke up first and quickly got dressed in khaki sweatpants and a black embroidered sweatshirt. 

Y/n made her way downstairs to quickly cook eggs, pancakes, and vegan sausage for Tara of course.

She was trying to get this done before Jake woke up. Jake was always a cranky monster for 2 hours each morning. Y/n somehow always found a way to deal with it. Y/n quietly raced up the stairs to wake up Jake.

"Hey, bud. Wake up please, I made you breakfast, love." She spoke softly.

Jake whined and turned over to face Y/n. She giggled and kissed his forehead.

An hour and an extremely difficult session of detangling Jake's hair without making him cry, then deciding what to dress him in because he wanted to wear his pizza onesie, then eventually letting him wear it after 10 minutes of Jake attempting to walk around the house half-naked, later...

"Jake! Baby, can you eat a little bit of your breakfast and not throw it at Johnnie, please?" Y/n sighed. He pouted and ran away to the living room. 

Y/n was planning something special for him today, but he was being very rude.

He sits on the floor with all his toys scattered around the floor. He picked up a specific green toy and began throwing his sensory slug around while watching 'Paw Patrol' on the TV.

Y/n just sighed. She walked over to him and squatted next to him. "Can you go eat your breakfast, please?" She asked nicely.

"No!" Jake snarled. Y/n didn't want to force Jake to eat so she left him alone. She began walking away until she heard, "B-bitch!" 

She stopped in her tracks and took a deep breath. She turned around and planted a harsh spank on his backside. Tears welled in his eyes as Y/n put him in timeout. "Sit. On your butt. Not your knees. For 25 minutes." She said sternly.

Y/n walked away and immediately ran upstairs. She rushed into Johnnie's room. "Johnnie, dude. I can't do this punishment shit." Y/n silently cried. Johnnie swarmed her with a warm hug. "I know, it makes you feel bad, but you've gotta do it. He needs it. He's the same way with me, he'll grow out of it." Johnnie told her.

Johnnie hated it when Y/n cried over things like this. It always resulted in pulling Jake out of a timeout. "I have to go take him out. I can't do this." She panicked. "No, keep him there. He has already developed the mindset that you're going to take him out of timeout early." Johnnie said.

Y/n exhaled. Today was going to be a long day...

606 words

thanks for reading!!

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