Little Boy (Johnnie's Version)

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So instead of Y/n, it's going to be Jake because I feel like it fits better I don't know, and there's going to be a small plot change but the same concept

Also, my friend gave me a headcanon to think about; MDE Johnnie and present Jake so while writing this, this was all I could think about.

Jake, Sam, Colby, and Johnnie were getting ready to film a video. Johnnie was the first up and he was a crying mess. He was in shambles because Jake was showering with him and Johnnie wanted to take a bubble bath alone.

The only reason why he wasn't taking a bath was because he was big enough to stand in the shower but not big enough to shower alone. He somehow always forgets actually to wash himself and stands in the water so he can close his eyes and relax.

"Babe, can you stop crying, please? It's just a shower." Jake tried to reason with the little. Johnnie couldn't care less and kept crying. Jake sighed in frustration and hugged the boy.

Jake was so confused as to why he likes baths better than showers, if anything, showers are better than baths.

Johnnie laid his head on Jake's chest and whined. Jake exhaled and turned off the water before stepping out of the shower, along with Johnnie. "At least I tried. " Jake mumbled to Johnnie as he wrapped towels around their waists.

Jake and Johnnie left the bathroom and went into their shared room. Jake began getting dressed. He clothed himself in red plaid pajama pants and a black 'NO NAME' hoodie. 

Johnnie just watched. 

He wanted to snatch his outfit off of Jake. 

Not in a dirty way though, Johnnie wasn't even able to think like that if he wanted to. Johnnie simply wanted to match Jake's outfit, but he wanted Jake's clothes instead of his own.

"Papa... clothes.. yours..." Johnnie said just above a whisper for Jake to hear. Jake was mildly confused but he understood Johnnie wanted his clothes. "No baby, you can't have Papa's clothes, me and you are gonna match our clothes today, " Jake explained as he put a clean diaper on Johnnie's butt.

Johnnie leaned over and tried to snatch Jake's hoodie. Jake quickly took action and slapped his hands, making Johnnie retract his arm and rub his hand as he whimpered in pain.

 "Excuse me, young man! When Papa says no, it means what?"

Johnnie huffed and slapped Jake's arm before running away, letting his towel fall and an upset Jake walking after him. 

"Johnnie Allen Guilbert. Get your little ass in here. Now." Jake said as it echoed through the house. 

"He's in here, Jake." Sam told him from behind a door.

Jake followed Sam's voice and eventually found Johnnie. Johnnie screamed as Sam picked him up. "Hey, little dude, can you stop yelling please?" Sam said as he offered Johnnie his pacifier that was previously discarded. Johnnie protested against it but they were silenced with the silicone that was placed in his mouth. Johnnie slowly but surely calmed down with the help of the pacifier.

Johnnie began rubbing his eyes and rested his head on Sam's shoulder. Jake sighed and took the little from Sam and thanked him, then walked to Johnnie's little room. "Do you need a spanking? That was very bad of you, little boy." Jake said sternly. 

Johnnie was half asleep at this point. He switched his head outwards and fell asleep. Jake chuckled and laid him down to dress him.

About 5 minutes later, Johnnie was dressed up in the same outfit as Jake. Jake always found it easier to dress him when he was asleep, he wouldn't fuss. Jake pulled out his phone and texted Colby to put Johnnie in the car while he gathered their needs for the day, which consisted of snacks for Johnnie, a few diapers just in case, and at least 3 different pacifiers for different purposes. 

Colby walked into the room and picked up Johnnie from his bed. Jake grabbed his bag and walked out the door with Sam behind him, locking the door.

680 words

kinda short idk but i like this

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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