1| The Return

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Survivor Series 2023: WarGames

Kass POV
Survivor Series, one of the biggest events of the year, it's always been one of my favorite well aside from the Royal Rumble. Not only am I making my big return tonight, nearly 2 years in the making, which to me feels like a dream, but I'm making it at the expense of one of the biggest stars in this industry, Rhea Bloody Ripley. I can still remember getting the call from my doctors who told me that I was officially medically cleared. Tonight was gonna be my night and there was no way in hell was I gonna waste the opportunity that Hunter Levesque better known as Triple H gave to me.

Zoning back in, there I stood with the biggest smirk on my face as my face was covered by my hoodie, I've been watching the show from behind the commentator's table and from what I've seen, I can say that I've been impressed by the women's division. I've kept up with the product, but seeing it in person so very much more surreal and I knew who to keep my eyes on. Speaking of who to keep my eye on, this is the women's division that I helped build, but it seems as though they've forgotten about that, about me, but what they don't know is that the Vixen is back and she's coming for the gold.

My eyes set on Rhea with a smirk as her and Zoey Starke go at each other mercilessly and I can say I was impressed with their showcase. As impressive and talented as the girls in that ring are, they are nothing compared to me and my legacy. I watched as the match neared its end with Rhea lifting Zoey up for her infamous Riptide, giving her the win. I glided over the barricade with a smirk and a nod as I scaled the ring and I couldn't help but to laugh to myself as I watched Rhea leave herself defenseless as she trash talked Zoey. With one lick to my lips, I slipped into the ring and immediately started attacking Rhea from behind, pounding on her back.

I could hear Michael Cole and Corey Graves losing their minds at the commentators desk "Who the hell is that!?" Their questions would soon be answered as I removed my jacket revealing my face causing the crowd to chant "Holy Shit" as I made my way to the top rope. I couldn't help but to laugh as I watched Rhea stumble on her feet and decided to pay homage to Liv Morgan, as I did two of her moves. The first being her top rope code breaker as my eyes stayed focus on Rhea as she stumbled back into the ropes giving me the opportunity that I needed. I quickly made my way to my feet as I rushed at her screaming "Watch Me" before hitting Liv's finishing move, Oblivion.

I kicked her body out of the ring with a smirk before my eyes started glancing at her women's world champion

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I kicked her body out of the ring with a smirk before my eyes started glancing at her women's world champion. I decided to pick it up placing it on my shoulder as I asked for a microphone and looked into the crowd as the fans started to cheer and chant "Vixen!" I placed the mic to lips smirkin "First and foremost shoutout to Liv Morgan and secondly I'm baaaack" before looking back to Rhea who slowly was making her way to her feet. "Rhea Ripley. You are one of the best in the business, but it seems that you and every woman in the back has forgotten about me and I'm gonna change that so let me reintroduce myself." I started to say as I readjusted the championship on my shoulder licking my lips as I watched Rhea make her way back into the ring. "My name is Kass Potter and I make no mistakes, no apologies and absolutely no regrets as I once again prove to the world why I am the best female wrestler in this business and why I am the-" I start to say as the crowd finish my sentence by saying "Vixen of WWE" and raised Rhea's championship in the air as we became face to face.

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