2| Back With A Purpose

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Monday Night Raw

Kass POV
It was the start of Monday Night Raw, the Raw after Survivor Series and I know the crowd was just buzzing for a good show. I still can't believe I made my return just two days ago, not much has happened in the span of the two days besides the headlines of Punk's return, but of course I headlined as well. I knew I was going to headline for my impressive return, but what made me smirk was that I also headlined for attacking Punk in his return. My eyes scanned the backstage area as I still had to get use to the feeling of being back and active, I had arrived an hour early before the show just like everyone else. I've yet to pick where I wanted to sign, but hopefully each general manager gives me a great offer to choose from. I let out a sigh as I made my way to the women's locker room smiling immediately when I saw Tegan Nox, who seemed to be in conversation with Natalya, a veteran wrestler who I had the most respect for, "Hey baby girl" I greeted her as I hopped on her back.

"Ugh I can't believe we can do this again" I said as I buried my face into her neck, I truly missed the girl as she was one of my best friends as well as one of the reasons I trained so hard to come back. "Hey girly!" Tegan greeted me as she held me up before she gave her attention back to Natalya and me deciding not to be rude, I waved at Natalya. "Hey Nattie nice to see you again" I kindly greeted her as she gave me a smile back "Nice to see you too Kassy, nice job on your return we were all so shocked" she said to me. "Oh yeah it's so great to be back and functional" I told her as I scanned the locker room seeing faces of girls I haven't faced or seen before and jumped down from Tegan's back. My eyes seem to catch onto a fiery Zoey Stark causing me to raise a brow as she stalked over to me "You have no right coming in here as if everything is all sunshine and rainbow when you're trying to just jump in front of the line straight to Rhea Ripley" she growled in distain as I blankly stared at her.

"Oh? You mean the same Rhea Ripley who's beaten you a numerous amount of times? If anybody has a problem with my antics they can kindly take it up with me in that ring at any time" I said to her before flicking her off. That caused the other girls to laugh "She really told you" Nia Jax said and that averted Zoey's attention which made me grateful as I went to my locker and looked into my duffle bag "What's your next step in your return? Doing anything tonight?" a pretty blonde woman in a singlet asked me excitedly. I looked at her in confusion as I couldn't recall her name before I took in her appearance looking her up and down and that seemed to make her blush heavily "Sorry my names Maxxine Dupri and I've been a really big fan of yours" she said nervously. "It's really appreciated and oh I've seen your work as well. You are improving very nicely and to answer your question, you'll just have to wait and see like everybody else" I told her and with that I changed out of my sweatpants and hoodie and into a red crop top and black skinny jeans that matched my Jordans.

I decided on doing my makeup light before grinning and waved at Tegan before leaving as I wanted to grab a snack from catering. The ideas that swirled around in my head only made me grin even more as I knew that tonight, I had to make an even bigger impact. I enjoyed the fact that I was given creative freedom for the time being and I knew better than to abuse the power because God would I hate to be on some scripted nonsense. The match cards and promos tonight were quite interesting and a few peaked my interest as I knew that Randy was going to speak about his return and of course Punk was going to speak on his, but did I care, no not all as I had my eyes set on Rhea's title. Pulling out my phone as I walked into catering, I noticed the show was going to start soon and my excitement only grew more and more.

Third POV
As Kass walked into catering, she could feel eyes on her and that made her smirk as she ignored them and grabbed a bite to eat. Her eyes surveyed the area as curiosity lingered in her mind and she couldn't help but to smirk more as her eyes met the eyes of Jey Uso causing her to raise a brow. Jey couldn't help but to watch the movement of Kass as her presence drew him to her and he wasn't quite sure why that was. When his eyes managed to catch hers, he couldn't help but to smile and wave her over. Kass noticed his invitation and looked to see who he was sitting with before she made her decision and she inwardly groaned as she saw that he was sitting with Cody Rhodes who also appeared to be watching her.

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