23. Fuck the Forbidden Pt. 3 [Boromir/Reader]

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A.N: once again, I'm sorry I didn't get this posted sooner! Anyways, thank you for your messages of encouragement! I know I said this before, but I will say it again: I read all your comments over and over again! This is the last part of this series! ENJOY!

Request: none

Pairing: Boromir X Fem!MermaidReader

Summary: The Reader is a Mermaid and witnessed a shipwreck. She becomes interested in human life—particularly one human: Boromir.

Disclaimer: Any mythology relating to the mermaids of middle earth is not canon. also I tried my best with arda water/river geography plz don't come at me—it's not one of my finer subjects :/

Word Count: 7.2K — yeah I shouldn't be suprised anymore (and neither should you lol)

Warnings: depression, drowning, ptsd, alcoholism, angst, comfort, fluff, stalking, physical assault, creepy men get what's coming to them, shirtless Boromir

Fuck the Forbidden

Within the following weeks, the smells of stale ale, piss, and sweat became a regular occurrence for (Y/N). She now worked as a barmaid at the tavern, gradually adapting to the customs of the land-folk. While they shared some similarities with the creatures of the sea, they remained unique. Their way of life fascinated her—in the most delightful way. The people of Gondor valued cheer and happiness. They enjoyed the business of life, finding joy in the routines of daily existence. Life in Gondor was a constant source of excitement, with no dull moments to be found. It is the adventure that (Y/N) had craved, though she did miss the sea.

But, the ache for her home—her sisters, her father, her life in the ocean—didn't burden her too heavily in Boromir's presence. Every night after her shift, he would accompany her back to her rooms in the Minas Tirith castle. During these walks, they would share stories of their days and discuss the people they encountered.

Boromir introduced her to new paths within the city, allowed her to explore artifacts from his past adventures, and offered her new food to try. Their friendship extended beyond these explorations, as they frequently strolled through bustling markets and immersed themselves in the pages of the library's books—for Boromir was teaching (Y/N) how to properly read the lettering of the landfolk. Often enough, they brought stacks upon stacks of leather bound paper up to the Captain's chambers. They would perch upon the soft seat of his window nook and pour over page after page and story after story. Time would stretch on into the night, but they cared not, for the comfort of companionship was worth the lack of sleep.

Slowly, (Y/N) started to notice that sadness within him fading—and she could tell Faramir noticed it too.

However, there were nights when a shadow lingered in Boromir's eyes and (Y/N) knew it was the sea haunting him. It was during one such time that (Y/N) felt a restlessness in her heart, for the Captain's sadness encouraged her song. Knowing of his pain, she could not bring herself to let him rest in it, for no rest would come. This prompted her to visit Boromir's chambers; however, upon arrival, she discovered only Faramir, who informed her that the man she sought had departed for the beaches an hour prior.

By now, (Y/N) knew Gondor well enough that the moonlight and the occasional lanterns along the path were enough to get her by. It did not take much time for her feet to carry her to the beaches. There, she removed her shoes and allowed her toes to burrow into the sand. Oh, how she missed the dust at the bottom of the sea.

That is when she saw him: Boromir. He was sitting on the dunes, far enough from the water that there was no risk for (Y/N)'s tail to make an appearance, but close enough for her to miss her home once more.

Middle Earth One-Shots (Characters X Reader) (LOTR/TH)Where stories live. Discover now