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The bright LA sun beaming into Harry's room overwhelmed my tired eyes as I slowly woke up. I turned over and was faced with Harry who was scrolling on his phone. "Good morning Sunshine!" He smiled. 

"Morning." I groaned. My head was killing me and my eyes were dryer than the Sahara desert due to the immense amount of crying I did yesterday. "How'd you sleep?" 

His green eyes stared into mine, as he studied my features. I felt myself getting embarrassed because I probably looked like a mess. "Amazing, how did you sleep?" 

"Great. I always sleep better after crying because my eyes are more tired. Plus, yesterday was very exhausting for me." 

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that by the way." He softly apologized as he brushed a strand of hair out of my face. "You look really pretty right now." 

I covered my face in the sheets, making him laugh. "Thank you Harry." 

"Want some breakfast?" He asked. 

Right as he said that, my stomach grumbled. We both laughed for a minute before I happily agreed. He led us into the kitchen where we made tea the previous night and he told me to sit at the island. 

"Harry, let me help." I pleaded. He shook his head as he got out some pans and ingredients. "Please. You've been so kind to me, it's the least I could do." 

"Nope. I like cooking, especially if it's for a beautiful lady." He turned around and gave me a big smile that made his dimples pop out.

"Fine, but could you at least point me in the direction of the bathroom?" I asked. He pointed down the hallway so I followed his directions and made my way towards a gorgeous bathroom. His entire house was kind of mid-century which I absolutely love. It's definitely an upgrade from living in a house with your four band mates. One day I'll live in a house as beautiful as this. I studied my appearance in the mirror and to my surprise I didn't look terrible. I washed my face off, removing the remainder of my mascara and the dried tears off my face. I borrowed some mouth wash that was on the counter to freshen my breath before running my fingers through my hair and walking back out to the kitchen.

"Wow, that smells lovely." I complimented. 

"Thanks." He shyly smiled. "I made us chocolate chip pancakes!" 

"You sure do know the key to my heart." I joked as I slid onto the kitchen stool. "I love pancakes, especially when they're chocolate chip." 

He served me a plate containing two pancakes, some fruit, syrup and a mug of tea. "Enjoy." 

As we ate, we talked about random topics. Music, school, food, sports, anything you could think of. The last 24 have made me feel so cared for. He is unbelievably kind and generous which I was extremely thankful for. He listened to me, paid attention to my needs, and was gentle with me. Harry didn't push anything out of me, he didn't do anything to make me uncomfortable. He just let me go at my own pace which is exactly what I needed. 

"Fuck, Julia is calling me." I groaned as I answered the call. "Hi Jules!"

"Hey kiddo, how's it going?" She asked. 

"Pretty good. I'm eating breakfast currently." 

"Yummy, whatcha having?" She sounded so lively for it to be 9 in the morning. I wasn't usually a morning person. 

"Chocolate chip pancakes. Harry made them for me." I smiled even though she couldn't see it. I could feel Harry's eyes on me, making me blush. 

"That's sweet. I was calling to talk to you about Dylan. You two should meet up soon." 

I sighed. "Yeah probably. Arrange a meeting with his manager, please?" 

"Sure. Are you still coming to the final fitting for your Grammys outfit today?"

"Yeah. I'll be there. I gotta go now, I'll talk to you later Jules." I said before hanging up. "God, I can't believe the Grammys are tomorrow." 

"Same. I'm excited to watch you perform though." He smiled. 

My stomach churned at the mention. "Oh my God, don't remind me please." I groaned. 

Harry got up and walked behind me, placing his hands on my shoulders and softly massaging them. "You'll be amazing. Trust me." 

I closed my eyes and happily hummed in agreement. "You're really good at giving massages." 

A soft laugh left Harry's lips as he rubbed my back in all the right spots. "Growing up with a sister and mother made me good at it. They made me massage their backs all the time, it was exhausting." 

The thought of Harry doing something that nice for his family sent butterflies swimming throughout my stomach. "That's sweet. My dad would massage my mom's feet after she got home from work, I always found it really cute." 

"Tell me about your family. I wanna know more about you." He asked.

"Hm.." I thought about where I should begin. "Well, as you know I was born in France but moved to Brazil when I was four, then to Arizona when I was ten. In France we lived with my dads parents then in Brazil we lived with a couple my mother went to college with. In Arizona we lived on a farm with my dads parents and sister. My aunt is only a couple of years older than me so we grew up more like sisters and my Nana has the spirit of a sixteen year old so we're super close as well. My parents and I are super close as well, I'm lucky to have grown up with a good family dynamic. My step-grandpa was an absolute ass-hat though, I will say that. What about you?"

"That sounds very fun. My sister and I fought a lot, but that's just how siblings are. We're best friends now. My mom is an absolute angel, you'd love her. My step dad was amazing as well but he sadly passed a few years ago. My parents got divorced when I was young but I still saw my dad often. He's nice as well." 

"I bet your mom is so proud of you. She did an amazing job raising you." I admired his beautiful features as he now sat in front of me. "My parents were very hippie-like. My mom was an artist and a school teacher and my father was a florist. That means we weren't exactly rich so we made a lot of stuff ourselves, it was really fun." 

"Do you see your parents a lot?" He asked.

A pit began to form in my stomach. This was the part of my life story I didn't like to tell. "Uhm...Well I see my dad often. My mother, passed away a couple years ago." 

An apologetic look washed over Harry's face as he brushed a strand of hair out of my face. His fingers were still painted with the designs I painted over a week ago. "Do you mind me asking how?" 

"A fire. The school she works at caught on fire and she was trying to get all of her students out but in the process she got trapped." I swallowed my tears. I don't think it'll ever get easier to talk about it. She was my best friend.

"I'm sorry. She sounds like an angel though. She died doing something amazing and incredibly kind." His thumb softly rubbed my face as he pulled me in for a hug. 

Over My Head | H.S.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora