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The buzzing of my phone woke me up, though I'm sure it was far past an acceptable time to wake up. 

"Good afternoon ma chérie!" Harry's cheery voice filled my ears.

"Morning." I mumbled. "What time is it?"

His pretty laugh flowed through the phone. "A little after two. Did you party that hard last night?" 

"I wish. We were up super late rehearsing a song Hazel wrote." I rolled out of bed and made my way into the kitchen. "Anyways, whats up?"

"I was calling to ask if you'd want to come out with a few of my friends tonight. We're celebrating my birthday." 

I stopped in my tracks. Fuck. I forgot about his birthday. "Of course, what time?" 

"I'll be at your house around seven if that's okay. I'll send you the location so you know what to wear." 

I laughed at the last part of what he told me. "Thank you Harry. I'll see you later." 

Grace walked into the kitchen sporting bedhead. "Morning gorgeous." 

"Good morning. Want me to cook?" 

"Uhm, always. Who was that?" She asked, referring to the phone call.

I pulled out a pan from under the stove and began to pull out ingredients. "It was Harry. He was inviting me out for his birthday."

"So now that you and him are like official or whatever does that mean we can't fuck anymore?"

Her bluntness took me back but didn't surprise me. "We're not official, but there's definitely something going on between us. So yes, we can't fuck anymore." Grace always knew she was lesbian and she helped me explore my sexuality. Naturally that led us to hooking up whenever we needed relief. 

She tutted as she took a drink of her tea. "That's a shame." 


I dragged Elias and Phoebe out with me to search for a gift for Harry. Elias wasn't exactly thrilled to be there. 

"Stop being such a Debby downer." Phoebe groaned as she lightly smacked Elias's arm. 

He rolled his eyes and disappeared down an isle of the antique store we were in. 

"How about these?" I grabbed a pair of white sunglasses and put them on. 

Phoebe giggled at the unusual glasses and nodded. "I think he'd love them. He'd also like those lace gloves I think." 

I studied the gloves she was talking about and figured she was probably right. On a shelf a few feet away I spotted a leather journal. It was a dark burgundy with different butterflies and flowers on it. "Ooh, this could be a good gift for him." 

She nodded. "You could never have too many notebooks." 

We walked around the store and searched each and every rack, not having much luck with anything else. "You guys ready to go?" Elias asked. 

"I think so." I said so we walked up to the register. Something at the register caught my eye, a necklace that looked like a banana. "No way." I laughed.

It was a penis disguised as a banana. He'd love this. "Oh you have to get that for him." Elias laughed. 


Tonight I decided to pick my own outfit since we were just going to a bar

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Tonight I decided to pick my own outfit since we were just going to a bar. It was nearing seven and the sun had already set. I am so ready for summer, I can't handle the sun going down before six. 

"Gypsy, your boyfriend is here!" Hazel yelled. I gathered my belongings and hurried to the front door. 

"He's not my boyfriend." I grumbled. "Oh, Hi Harry." I failed to realize he was already in the living room talking to Elias. 

"Hi Gypsy, you look pretty." He smiled. 

"Thank you, as do you." He threw an arm around me, earning a gag out of Grace. "Bye guys." I waved to my friends before we walked out. 

"Sarah, Mitch, Jeff, and Gemma are there already." He informed me as we sat down in his car.

"You didn't tell me your sister would be there, that's awesome." Awesome my ass! Now I'm ten times more nervous than I was before. Meeting his friends is one thing, meeting his sister is a whole different thing. 

"Yeah, she surprised me by flying in last night. Want the aux?" He offered. I nodded and plugged my phone in, playing some old Fleetwood Mac.  "I was talking to Stevie the other night and I mentioned you. She said she loves your music." Harry casually dropped.

I looked over at him in utter disbelief. "You mean Stevie as in like, Stevie fucking Nicks?" I asked and he nodded. "Harry! You can't just casually drop that on me!" I laughed and so did he.

"She said that she adores your clothing style and your music. She even mentioned you two doing a collab one day." 

"Seriously? Did she mean like with Electric Lips or just me?" I asked. 

"Just you. Also what's in the bag?" He curiously asked. 

"Your gift. When should I give it to you?" Based on his GPS we were only a few more minutes away from the bar. 

"I'll open it once we get to the bar." He replied. I nodded and turned to look out the window. 

A few more minutes passed and we pulled into a small bar with only a few cars in the lot. I eagerly handed him his gifts once we parked. 

Harry carefully opened the bag, pulling out the small items I got him. I was unsure of what all I should really get him but I think I did alright. "This is perfect. Thank you Gypsy." 

I blushed. "You're welcome, would you like my help putting on the necklace?" I asked, noticing him struggling with the clasp. 

"Yes please." He turned around in his seat and I gently clasped the necklace together. It laid on his bare chest since he had the top few buttons undone on his shirt. "Perfect." He laughed.

We walked into the bar, arm in arm and giggling. "Harry!" A man I had seen once before called out. Harry led me through the small crowd of people towards a booth in the back corner. 

"Hey guys. Gypsy, meet Sarah, Mitch, Gemma, and Jeff." He introduced me to his friends who all looked lovely. 

I shook their hands and hugged Sarah and Gemma. "It's so good to finally meet you, Harry's talked non-stop about you for weeks." Gemma smiled. 

I shot a cheeky look at Harry who was trying to hide his rosy cheeks. "Has he now? Well, I'm happy to finally meet you as well, he's said nothing but amazing things about you." 

Sarah patted the seat next to her so I slid in and Gemma followed in after me. "So, tell me about how you guys met!" Sarah grinned.

I shrugged. "It's a pretty embarrassing story on my part. We were in the studio and I got a nose bleed so I was freaking out and ran out to my car where I then ran into Harry. The next day we bumped into each other at a cafe and ever since we've been pretty much inseparable." 

"Aw." Gemma gushed. "That is so cute. You're even prettier than he made you out to be." 

"Gemma! Stop, please." Harry pleaded. "Sorry Gypsy, she's just being a sister." 

I laughed at his pleading and Gemma's teasing. "It's good for you Harry." Sarah said.

Gemma threw her hands up and smiled at Harry. "She gets it!" 

Sarah nodded and so did Mitch. "I try my best to keep him humble when Gemma isn't around." She laughed. 

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