Importance of Mental Health

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"The least of things with a meaning is worth more in life than the greatest of things without it"

For persons to develop into healthy humans it is necessary that they have a good mental health. Mental health means a psychological state of well-being, characterised by continuing personal growth, a sense of purpose in life, self-acceptance and positive relations with others.

(Elements of mental health)
Psychologists have identified numerous distinct dimensions of mental health which include self-acceptance or self-esteem, characterised by a positive evaluation of oneself and one's past experiences; personal growth reflected in one's sense of continued psychological growth and development; a sense that one's life has purpose and meaning; positive relations with others; environmental mastery, the capacity to manage effectively in the surrounding world; and autonomy, a sense of self-determination and the ability to control one's own life. Self-acceptance, relation with others, environmental mastery and autonomy usually improves as a person esand gains experiences in life.
However, many people find that their personal growth and sense of purpose in life begins to decline in midlife.
Some psychologists regard mental health as the ability to. maintain a balance between positive and negative emotions, such as elation and sadness. In this view, a person who displays emotional extremes in either direction is not well adjusted. Other psychologists emphasise the role of one's environment in influencing well-being. This perspective sees a reflection of mental health in a person's overall happiness in various domains of life, such as social relationships, work and community life.

(Factors that have an influence on mental health)
A number of different aspects of life can influence mental health. These areas are working life, family life and one's social role in the community. Negative experiences in these areas, such as an unreasonable boss or a turbulent family life, can reduce one's overall sense of well-being.
Another important influence on mental health is stress. In general, people experience stress when the demands placed on them exceed the resources they have to meet those demands. Significant sources of stress include major life events, such as divorce, death of a spouse, loss of a job and illness in the family. These events can overwhelm a person's ability to cope and function effectively. In addition, one source of stress may lead to another, as when financial hardships follow a loss of job. People who experience unusually traumatic events, such as rape and natural disasters, may develop post-traumatic stress disorder.
People may experience chronic stress when confronted with a continuing set of demands that reduce their ability to function. Examples of such demands include working long hours under difficult circumstances and caring for a chronically-ill relative. Economic hardship, unemployment and poverty can also produce chronic stress and undermine mental health.
Some studies suggest that genetic factors may partly determine one's level of happiness and mental health.
People seem to display a characteristic level of well-being, with some people usually feeling happy and others typically feeling sad or unhappy. Researchers have found that although people's moods change in response to both positive and negative events, the effect wears off over a period of time. For example, people who win a lottery or receive an unexpected promotion may feel happier at first, but with time they return to their former characteristic level of mental health.
Research also suggests that one's genetic make-up, that is, the genes inherited from one's parents explains more than half of the differences in people's characteristic mood levels. Genes may also partly determine the range of ups and downs that people feel, ranging from large mood swings to remaining stable from day-to-day.

How mentally healthy are you?
The following scale level of you the author to measure approximately the reelof your mental health. Respond to each statement in alecordance with your feelings with fill truthfulness. Unless and until you know yourself you cannot assess pipe dy. Remember that truth is the key to your personality development.
1. I am not confident about my abilities.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
2. Small problems easily upset me.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
3. I am worried about my future.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
4. I lack the ability to take decisions.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
5. I have mood fluctuations.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
6. I suffer from feelings of insecurity.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
7. Others have to help me make decisions.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
8. Even when in a group I do not feel secure.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
9. I feel that I am losing self-respect.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
10. I cannot reach a decision even when I want to do a particular thing.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
11. I have a feeling that some calamities may occur with me.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
12. I cannot finish tasks in one go.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
13. I am unable to solve my problems myself.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
14. feel that my future is not well-planned and defined.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
15. I shirk away from responsibilities.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
16. I am not able to take quick decisions on any matter.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
17. I feel that this world is very hostile.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
18. I need a conducive work environment.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
19. I am unsatisfied with my life.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
20. I become hopeless when I fail in any task.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
21. I do not get along well with the people in my locality.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
22. I feel depressed and dejected. Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
23. I suffer from feelings of inferiority.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
24. I am enraged even by the slightest unfavourable talk.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
25. I feel my life is a burden for others in my family.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
26. Minor difficulties disappoint me.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
27. I lack concentration while working.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
28. I build castles in the air.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
29. I do not have a flexible approach.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
In adverse circumstances l act without keeping real facts in view.
Always/Most of the time/Sometime/Never
After you have marked your responses give 1 point to every Always you have ticked; 2 points to every Most of the time; 3 points to Sometimes and 4 points to Never. Total up the points obtained. If you score between 91-120 you have a very good mental health. If your score lies between
61-90 your mental health is good or average. Between
31-60 it is poor. Between 0-30 it is very poor.

Positive Thinking by: Amit AbrahamWhere stories live. Discover now