The Second Department

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   New Point Of View:

        In another territory where inside of doing physical workout they train on armed weapons. After rapid shooting exercises and put my sniper on the side of my bed and rest my head. I grab a picture of all my friends that had previously survived from war and war and war. We were close till now. The wars we lived through just had one or two of our friends get separated, one by one. And it was always the weakest ones. Then in the middle of the night while we are all sleeping they thrown some type of knockout gas. I got up due to the strong smell and heard coughing, I run up to the door and three men with masks on there faces blocked my path. They threw me on the floor tying my hands up. The knockout gas was starting to kick in slowly and slowly. The men took me and all my friends out of our house one by one carrying us in different cars driving off. 

    Then I woke up, here... The last time I saw them. Every now and then I would think about them wondering if they were okay or even alive. The radio in my room turned on automatically "All soldiers appear at the entrance of the King's palace again I repeat all soldiers appear at the entrance of the King's palace!" I stay on my bed, this would be the one hundredth and one time this radio would boss me around. I'm not going anywhere." I stay on my bed and hear the King's Door Open with that annoying wrecking sound. Multiple sniper reloading at once, I run up to my window and look whats going on. "Rest in peace,". I start walking back to my bed hearing multiple gunfire that just annoys me more and more overtime. "I can't sleep like this!" The gunfire continues and I grab my sniper. "I'll shot this guy with one bullet and show everyone I deserve some respect here." As I open the door this guy, the same guy rams into me with lighting speed. "Dude what the he-" He quickly puts his dusty hands over my mouth. He looks nervous and in distress he runs into the lower layer of my room and these men burst into my room, "Just checking did some man just come into your room just now, about 5'9 light skin tone, some dust-" I interrupt him holding the door "Sir the man you're looking for isn't here." The man tries to ram himself in but I resist. "I said the man you are looking for isn't here. Go look some where else." I give him the death stare and he leaves frustrated.

    The guy comes out the lower layer coughing. "Thank you so much." I jump back on my bed slamming the door. "Yeah whatever, just get going now." I say. "Already? Chill out, you just saved my life-" I interrupt "And don't make me regret that, out." The guy opens the door about to take his leave but then blasting sunlight comes through and he closes the door. "Can I go in the night?" He says. "Oh my God" I say to myself groaning. "Okay this night you leave." I say, he nods his head and sits on the ground. "I won't disturb you one bit." He says. "Okay shut up now I'm trying to sleep." I yell. I turn off my lap and rest my head on my pillow, slowly going to sleep.

   My dream starts with me in the middle of a garden sitting down on the floor with the wind gently blowing my face. A man from far away starts walking toward the garden, I wonder who it was. The man just got closer and closer and closer, then his face and body was visible; just an old man with a brown bag. Then a loud sound, so loud I wake up off of my dream. I look at the window and it's the middle of the night with guards snipe training. The argue to send the random kid sleeping in my room out was strong but then as I looked at him, he reminded me of what one of my old friends were like. At this moment I knew to myself I had a friend nearby that I knew was safe next to me. I lay my head back onto the bed and went to sle-. BANG BANG BANG! Someone Bangs the door. "Carlos I know you can hear me, open this door now!" I know that voices, that's the Second the command Sniping Leader, Hiram. He continues to bang the door as the Kid is still sleeping. It's like my past is hunting me again. Its just two decision, save my friend or return to my past.

   "Look Carlos, the guy with you is the son of one of the top swordsmen in the world. The second you blink you're going to be gone so listen to me, just open the door." My palms get sweaty, my heart pumps as if it were to jump out my chest. "Carlos!" Hiram yells. I breath in and out heavily and jumps out of my bed grabbing the kid, he suddenly wakes up. "Carlos, I give you three seconds or I'll take your life along with his." I cover his mouth and grab my sniper breaking the window. "Three." I crawl out the window that leads to of the department throwing myself on the floor. "Two." The kid gets up confused "What's happening?" "Get out fast!" I tell him "One!" I grab his arm pulling him out the window and start running. Then I hear a deafening explosion, followed by a rumbling roar tearing my room into pieces.

  I look at the kid's face is filled with guilt and shame and looking at my room in pieces, he slowly looks over at me with water filled eyes. "I'm sorry." He said sobbing uncontrollably while trying to articulate words through tears. I smiled wiping away tear off my face and held the kid's shoulder getting him up. "What's your name?" The kid shuttering said "A-Alto," I look at my burning up house and give a small chuckle, then burst out in laughter. Alto stands there and stops whining lost and confused because I'm all of a sudden laughing. "Wha- Why are you, What are you doing." He says. "You're really crying on the floor just because of a burnt house that isn't even yours." I say still laughing, Alto face quickly turns into shock and pauses for a while "You're weird, what's even your name anyways." I slowly stop laughing and start relaxing the trouble we're in. "My name is Carlos, we gotta start running." I start running leaving Alto's mind still in confusion. "Alto run!" I yell.  The second Alto starts running five Army Vehicles burst through crushing the burning house chasing us with armed men at the top of the vehicles. 

   As I turn back around I expect an usual look, fearful, panicked, intense look on his face, put as I turn around it was as if he knew what he was doing. I didn't get it, a second ago he was crying now he's all brave looking like he has a plan. Alto slowly starts accelerating in front of everyone including me. Then he suddenly stop and turns back rising his hands in the air, "Carlos jump high and shoot." He says. About to ask him if he was sure about this but by the look on his face I had known that he was more than sure. I leaped high into the air loading my sniper then I jump again using Alto's hands as a boost I turn and quickly aim, then shot twice. "Driver 1 and 3 are down." I say to Alto. Alto stands there looking like he's getting ready for the biggest jump in his life. Army 1 and 3 cars slows down crashing onto each other side to side creating a large explosion with fire filling the area. Then as the 2nd car was about to hit Alto he does an everlasting back flip into the air, the guards start shooting in the air  but then it looks as if they the bullets were vanishing on contact. I load my sniper and shoot Army car 5, Alto land on the top of the car downwards kicking the armed guard on top knocking him out. The fourth car comes in with the guard on the top of the car rapid firing at Alto. As Alto dodges I start loading my sniper and at the same time, same moment, same second. Alto punches the man so hard his skull crushes and I shoot the window and eliminate the driver driving the 4th car.

   Alto jumps off the 4th Army Car. "So we speak the same language I think that automatically means were friends, right." I smiled, I couldn't say no "Yeah whatever." We both laugh walking out of the Department, onto the last department we go.

Alto's Journey: Resilience Amidst AdversityWhere stories live. Discover now