Freedom Behind Thousands

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    The ground starts trembling, cracks appear on the ground. "I'll enjoy your death." The swordsmen leader says. Alto starts running toward the swordsmen leader pulling out his sword then thousands of bullets go flying at Alto. In a split second he reflects all the bullets using his sword towards the swordsmen leader. The Leader quickly lashes all the bullets in half and then furiously blocking Alto's sword aiming at the top of his head. "You- you- aren't like the other's... Who- who are you?" The men starts shooting everywhere, Alto jumps in the air and spreads slashes everywhere. The leaders spread out in all directions dodging them. Robert filled with determination jumps in the air into the crowd of men kicking multiple of them with his feet. An leader with a wooden stick spinning it around blocks all of his kicks and attempts to poke his head. Robert grabs the stick and snaps it in half using the other side to stab the men around him as he lands on the ground. The leader throws the stick at Robert's neck but he quickly dodges and it hit another man curving and tying up on the man, the stick got so tight his head squashed. Robert throws his end of the stick that he had been using at the leader put he catches it. Then Carlos spinning rapidly with his metal sniper shooting everywhere with all kinds of bullets, then he notices that he had been shooting this one man, this one leader that was with a suit and tie walking up to Carlos. Carlos quickly stops spinning and uses his explosive bullet shooting the man aiming for his head. The smoke goes past his head without even a scratch on his head and he didn't even flinch either. "Whats up with this guy" Carlos says to himself, he starts shooting all kinds of bullets. The man grabs a one bullet with his right hand, then his left hand, then one with his teeth and then he eats all the bullets. Carlos freezes. "Are you good or something? You just killed yourself." He says with all seriousness and concern. The man falls on his knees coughing colors. He coughs harder and harder and it gets thicker and thicker. He then stops and gets up with a huge smile on his face. "Who the hell are you?" Carlos says.

    With the battlefield filled with blood, the sky glowing with an orange faze with the fire  spreading smoke everywhere and the trio fighting furiously with there lives on the line. A strange man charges up his fist outside the fire line, it's just a fist, glowing black and white shaking with so much power. This man was no normal, his name was Anthrax. "Just you wait, I'll avenge all the innocent people you guys have killed even if it just costs 3 other lives." Anthrax lets his fist go and the black power starts ripping everything in its path. This was the true power of Black matter. Alto still fighting sees this and yells "ROBERT, CARLOS RUN NOW!" Alto ignores his injures and lets his blood drips. He looks back and sees Robert and Carlos still fighting. "Oh My God." He says. Alto knew he had the power in him since the beginning but didn't use it because he scared because and scientist wanted his arm ripped out for it. Alto pulled his arm back and started energizing ultra white light in his fist. He does it quickly and lets go his punch with the white light glazing through everything and burst as it goes in contact with the black matter causing wind to push everywhere. The clouds where blew away, the fire was blow, the smoke in the sky was gone and everyone was pushed. "Where'd that black stuff come from anyways?" Alto asks himself. All the men lying on the floor with blood over them, their leader gets up and yells at them to get up. "THE BATTLE ISN'T OVER! WHAT ARE YOU ON THE FLOOR FOR? GET UP ALL OF YOU! GET UP NOW!" The leader says. "Ah." Carlos says, the leader looks at him. "It's painful about the fact that you never known how strong your men really were, you must be very disappointed." Carlos says trying to get him intimidated. Another leader holds his shoulder as he tries to run. Alto starts passing out slowly for how much energy the white light wave took. Suddenly Alto is shot on the head while he was trying to get his balance by one of the leaders.

   "Don't go crazy, Carlos." Robert says. Carlos breaths heavily and starts shaking with anger going through him. "2 of us, versus 9 men. And one cyborg..." Carlos says huffing and looking at the man with a suit on. "I don't care about freedom anymore, I'm doing this for Alto." Carlos says. Everyone was bleeding harshly from all the bullet shoots, the weak was gone and the strongest were the only ones that remained. "Carlos, Alto is still breathing." Robert whispers. Carlos reloads 5 blue lighting bullets and shoots the sky 5 times. The Leader swordsmen smiles looking at the sky and jumps into the distance of the bullets traveling into the air with his two swords. Robert runs at the cyborg with the suit and tie and punches his face. The cyborg falls to the floor and then springs back up grabbing Robert's neck and rising him in the air choking him. "Carlos... Carlos..." Robert struggles breathing trying to talk. Carlos runs trying to save Robert but then the Wooden Stick Leader uses his stick and trips Carlos. The cyborg smashes Robert's head on the ground and steps on his chest. "Do you want them dead or ali-" The cyborg shuts down as Robert's gloves absorbs his energy. The cyborg falls on the floor and clings hitting the ground. Robert gets up dusting himself off and Carlos tries getting up but the Stick Leader kicks him down and starts being him. Robert jumps towards the Stick leader trying to get Carlos out. He kicks his face and grabs his head hitting it on the ground, blood spills on the ground. The cyborg dashes towards Robert then Robert quickly uppercuts the cyborg using electric and making him malfunction and falls down again. The other 6 leaders stands there and 1 of the leaders comes out to fight and just then he uses his pistol and shoots Robert stomach with no bullet and he falls to the ground. Then he shoots Carlos and he dodges. Slowly losing consciousness Carlos taking his sniper. His vision gets double and blurry slowly and starts closing dark. Carlos shoots an magnet on the floor in the middle of all the leaders and Carlos fall unconscious. "What's this?" An leader says then out of no where 5 blue laser ray zaps the floor electrocuting all the leaders making them fall to the ground in pain and shock with their death cry. Everyone falls.

   Was all this worth it. Who has the freedom now. The battle, the war, the suffering is over. But who... who won. With what gain. Everyone fights, everyone dies and all is lost. But there was one to see this all while standing. And his name is...


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 14 ⏰

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