Chapter 1 : Awakening

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Hello Everyone,

A random idea crossed my mind: what if a person were to enter cryosleep and awaken after a century, finding themselves in a world completely unrecognizable? Advanced technology and evolved lifestyles.

In this unfamiliar world, imagine this person falling for a captivating girl and embarking on a journey to win her over. It's not just about adjusting to the daily routines but also learning new ways of dating.

With these musings in mind, I present this work of fiction to you.

Et Voilà. Timeless Love.

The faint beeps turned into a crescendo of deafening alerts. The difficulty in comprehending speech further complicated matters. Amid the cacophony, a pristine smell gently wafted through the air, offering a fleeting moment of comfort. However, my motor responses and sight were still a far cry from their usual capabilities, contributing to the disorienting nature of the godforsaken predicament I found myself in.

Reluctant to part, my eyelids remained closed. Muscles sagged in pain as I attempted to regain control, the unmistakable presence of stiffness and soreness permeating my senses. A gentle, synthetic voice uttered, 'Welcome back; take your time adjusting - you're in a safe space, and we're here to support your recovery journey.'

A couple or so chimes followed the instruction and continued, 'Kindly exercise restraint, refraining from any abrupt or forceful movements. You have been in a cryostasis state for a long period.' Before I could comprehend whatever situation I had gotten myself into, attempting to wrap my hazy mind around it all, my train of thoughts was abruptly interrupted.

Footfalls approached as I urged to open my eyes after enduring oh-so-many minutes of waiting. A pleasant fragrance wafted through the air, a blend of sandalwood with a touch of patchouli. Despite the aftermath of many failed attempts, I finally succeeded in opening my eyes.

As my eyes opened, a woman in her early twenties graced me with her presence. She wore an outfit resembling that of doctors, but with noticeable changes reflecting a century's evolution in fashion. While the hospital dressing similarities remained, she added a modern flair. Tucking a loose lock of hair behind her ear, she stuck a patch on both my arms. Her wavy locks flowed down to her hips, complementing her captivating eyes that exuded both elegance and timeless beauty.

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