Chapter 6 : Pact of Curiosity

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The rhythmic pulsations resonated in my ears, harmonizing with the subtle adjustment of humidity in the room, courtesy of the time-bound alacrity of the humidifiers. As dawn broke, the scouting drones' pulsating sounds came alive, and sunlight gracefully filtered through the reinforced glass, casting a warm glow on the sleek, futuristic furnishings.

"Wakey, wakey, Sunshine. It is 7 am already," Aly's cheerful voice chimed in, breaking the silence of the peaceful environment.

I awoke, enveloped in the gentle hum of seamlessly integrated technology that defined my daily life. The rhythmic pulsations of the room's ambient sounds gently nudged me into consciousness, creating a serene contrast to the bustling world my ancestors once knew.

In this era, waking up wasn't just a routine; it was an experience shaped by the harmonious coexistence of advanced innovations and the timeless embrace of a peaceful sanctuary. The  room responded to my movements, adjusting temperature and lighting to suit my preferences.

I've always been curious about how people lived in the past, and Joe's rousing from cyrosleep has fueled that curiosity even more.

"Lost in your thoughts again, huh? Don't tell me you've fallen head over heels for Joe, and now he's the star of your daydreams," Aly teased with a playful grin.

"Shut up! Okay, yes, I was kind of thinking about Joe. But it's not exactly Joe; it's more about how people lived in the past. Enough with the girly love talk," I tried to talk my way out, a playful grin tugging at my lips.

"Are you sure it's just about that?" Aly's teasing sent a playful jab my way, and I couldn't help but chuckle. "Oh, please! Joe is just a patient, and besides, I have more important things to think about," I replied with a grin.

"You say that now, but I see the way you look at him when you think no one's watching," Aly continued, winking mischievously.

Rolling my eyes, I countered, "You watch too many romance vids. This is real life, not some dramatic love story."

Aly laughed, "Just admit it, Althea, you've got a soft spot for our century-old centenarian yet biologically 24-year-old Joe."

With a playful sigh, I conceded, "Fine, maybe a little. But let's keep that between us, okay?"

The clock is ticking, and it's already 7:10 am. I need to rush to the facility; graduation is just around the corner. No room for tardiness, not after all the efforts I've invested.

--------------------Medico Haven--------------------

----------------------   9 : 00 AM    -------------------

The routine of my life has resumed, but with Joe's presence, my curiosity, fueled by Aly's teasing, stirs the emotions within me.

Even though only a day has passed, it feels like we've gotten along well, almost as if we've known each other for quite a long while. As I moved towards Joe', I couldn't help feeling my heart beating faster. Never had I felt this way towards anyone before. I even feel a bit foolish.

Joe, still adjusting to this new reality, looked at me with a mix of gratitude and curiosity. I, ever cheerful, couldn't help but inquire, "So, Joe, how was your first day back in the waking world?"

With a hint of amazement, Joe replied, "It's... overwhelming, to say the least. Everything is so different, yet strangely fascinating. Your world is not what I expected it to be."

I chuckled, "Well, we did have a century to spruce things up. But hey, you're not doing too bad for a guy from the past.  Do you any problem trying to keep up ?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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