Chapter 3 : Reminiscence

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"It was a century, huh? That makes sense."

"What? That's all you got to say?" Aly exclaimed in surprise.

"From the looks of it, this is not the world I know. It's not that it did not cross my mind that I woke up after several years. But I was wondering how long it has been," I explained to Aly. It's not as if I was a loquacious guy all along, but to think I am trying to reason with an AI assistant for my lack of social skills and lesser word count.

"You are either a levelheaded guy or an obtuse freak. Either way, can you remember who you are and how you ended up here since you seem a bit better now?" Aly brought up what I pushed to the back of my mind so that I could think with a cleared mind later.

"You don't have to push yourselves. Distressing over reminiscing about your past and the conditions that led you here can put considerable strain on your mind, especially considering you have just awakened and are in the process of rejuvenation," Althea comforted.

I lifted myself up and sat on my back. My body felt relieved of the agonizing pain.

"It's alright. I can recall my past now thanks to your soothing squabbles. A century ago, at the time of a near-death experience, I got stabbed and mortally wounded. I was rushed to hospitals by passersby, and everything went haywire from thereon. A couple of veteran doctors sewed me up and shifted me to a cryogenic chamber, which was way ahead of its time then. I was aware that my wounds did not close up after the surgery, so I assumed further treatment is required, but I couldn't wrap my head around the haste amidst the significant blood loss and the administration of tranquilizers. It was a bit similar to MRI and CT scan rooms, but the chamber was equipped enough to contain a cryostasis hibernation," I recounted. But that was all I could remember.

"Now that I think of it, my mind is much clearer now, and all my senses are functioning well. My body feels lighter and easier to control. Is it supposed to be revitalized with such ease?" I questioned regarding my quick recovery.

"That patch on your hand nourishes the human body with all the nutrients and pumps hormones to relieve stress, providing calmness. It catalyzes the recovery process, but its effect doesn't last longer than an hour," Althea informed with a gesture.

"With all the scientific advancements, has the improvement of pain-relieving patches been the only development in medical science? Aren't there more advanced tools, like injection guns for administering medicines and nutrients?" I shot back.

"Looks like you've had your fair share of sci-fi. And yes, there are better ways and tools to administer supplements. But considering you just woke up from cryosleep, it's not a good idea to use them. We're holding back to show consideration towards the ethereal princess," quipped Althea, letting out a chuckle along with Aly.

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