Chapter 5 : Babysitting

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Joe has been effortlessly assimilating to the harsh reality hurled at him without losing his cool. It makes you wonder if everyone exhibited such composed demeanor back then or if it's a distinctive trait unique to him. The lack of any overt display of surprise or protest may not be flashy, but there's an undeniable coolness to the calm and collected way he handles it all.

Despite being steadfast coolheaded, he humors Aly. Besides being from a different time and waking up from cryosleep, he's still quite a puzzle.

"Yes, while you were asleep, everything for mankind changed a lot. It's normal to be surprised when you hear about it all at once, " I added with a hint of assent.

Though I find it perplexing myself, I feel this inexplicable urge to comfort him welling up. Despite the tough front he presents, he's resolutely bearing the multitude of challenges in his ordeal.

"Anything else on your mind?" I inquired, expecting questions that might not typically come from a patient in Joe's circumstances.

In the midst of my quiet contemplation, a barrage of questions erupted from Joe, breaking free from the restraint that had held it back. "Why the prolonged life support for sucha long period , and who's footing the bill for my care? Where do I fit into all of this? And what's going to happen after my discharge?" His curiosity surged, demanding answers.

"Let's ease off on those queries for now. Concentrate on adapting to your body and the recovery process," I advised, attempting to redirect his focus.

"Well, yeah. You can carry on daily routine of a healthy person . A bit of adjustment is in order,"Aly chimed in, injecting a touch of pragmatism.

'While we have advanced methods like supplements for nourishment, our policy still holds room for the traditional approach to food ingestion. It's already past 9 am. Take a rest for now, and we'll arrange lunch around noon, allowing the supplements to take effect,' I explained, outlining his immediate priorities

'Gideon, set an alarm for 12:00 pm and play soothing tunes for sleep ,' I instructed, adding an element of comfort to the upcoming break.

'Alarm scheduled for 12:00 pm. 2 hours and 45 minutes until alarm sets off ,' Gideon acknowledged, initiating the tranquil melody.

As fatigue enveloped Joe, he leaned back and, with a quiet sigh, surrendered to the comforting hospital bed. The conducive surroundings for recovery did their job, and in no time, he slipped into a peaceful sleep.

Having interned for a long time, I hadn't paid much attention to the facility's details. The futuristic medical center is designed with care for the well-being of everyone. The air is always fresh with purified oxygen, making it feel lively. The walls and ceilings have calming colors, creating a peaceful atmosphere for recovery. There are helpful notes around, giving patients information when needed. Levitation platforms quietly move around, bringing meals and medicines efficiently. It's a thoughtful blend of advanced tech and caring design, making the healing experience better for everyone.

Most of all , cleanliness and hygiene take top priority. Patients undergo thorough sterilization with potent disinfectants, ensuring a controlled and infection-free environment.

Later, as I took a break and went to observe other patients, Aly chimed in, informing me about a call from Joe. It was the scheduled alarm for his lunchtime. Since I had no choice but to check in, I went to attend to him.

To my surprise, he started whining like a kid, somewhat resembling Aly in behavior, asking questionable doubts about the food. Apparently, he couldn't eat with his aching hands. Aly stepped in with a teasing tone, saying, "What a poor thing. Feed him, Althea."

"Quiet! It's about time for my lunch. Scan the ward for an assist robot," I ordered.

"Suit yourselves. If it were me, I would have seized the chance right away " Aly quipped while checking for available assist robots. After a minute of scanning, Aly replied that none were vacant.

"Even if there was one available, how could you really leave it to robots to feed him?" Aly teased, enjoying the opportunity to embarrass me in front of its newfound buddy. To make matters worse, they seemed to be getting along quite well.

To exacerbate the situation, he began playing along, mockingly declaring, "Yes, robots? Ugh! I'd much prefer your company. Since you are about to have lunch anyway, we can have lunch together."

Not that I despise the idea of helping him with his meal, but the way he's handling it is a bit much. He doesn't communicate with me in the same casual manner as he does with Aly, and his requests lack basic politeness. He blatantly joins Aly's antics and takes over. Moreover, these two seem to be thoroughly enjoying making fun of me.

Barely getting it together, I sat down on the chair by the bed with a sigh.

"Couldn't you at least put in a 'please' and ask in a more modest manner? Something like, 'Could you please help me with eating?' I asked, my tone expressing a mild annoyance."

"I apologize; I didn't mean to come across as discourteous. I was merely being friendly since we got along well this morning. You don't have to force yourselves. Maybe an assist robot will be available after a while. I will wait for a while ," he shifted his demeanor, doing a complete 180, now fully polite in his words.

"No, I didn't mean to suggest that you have to be completely formal in your tone. I was just expecting a 'please' in that request. You can still speak casually, as you did earlier," I replied, feeling a little embarrassed, now realizing that I might have overreacted.

"Ugh! Make up your mind. Are you expecting him to be formal or friendly? You are baffling the already confused mind that has just started regaining functionality. You are tormenting the poor soul," Aly interjected, her voice laced with a hint of exasperation.

"Shut up!"I cut her off.

I retrieved the meal from the levitation platform and carefully fed him, a gesture I had never extended to anyone before. After a minute, he inquired, "How about your lunch?"

"I placed an order from the cafeteria. I'll join you in a minute or two," I replied, still being watchful as I placed each chunk of food into his mouth, akin to a mother bird caring for her newborn chicks.

The lunch arrived after a two minutes. "What is that dish?" Joe asked curiously.

"It's called matripe," I answered, noting the perplexed expression on his face as he seemed unfamiliar with the name. For a moment, I forgot about the time difference and the introduction of new cuisines. "Wait, do you even know what you're eating then?" I asked, unable to suppress a chuckle.

In a brief moment, he went blank. However, we both burst into laughter, lightening the atmosphere.

Gideon activated and began explaining abruptly, "Matripe, made from the vegetable Spilch discovered in 2052, is rich in essential vitamins and minerals such as iron and calcium. Sizzle Spilch with olive oil, garlic, and a pinch of sea salt for five minutes at 50 degrees Celsius. Combine it with quinoa for a nutrient-packed, savory delight. Paired with whole-grain carbohydrates, it provides a delectable and balanced diet."

We laughed yet again after Gideon unexpectedly explained the cuisine down to the details.

"Yes, that's what Matripe is. As for what you're eating, it's called Collobe, somewhat similar to porridge but with different ingredients. It's high in nutritional value and aids in digestion. "I informed with a stifled laugh.

We finished our meal amidst chatter. It's been a long time since I had lunch with someone, let alone so much fun. " Where is the water?" I kept looking as I finshed eating.

"Oh, it's here." he picked up the bottle from the table by the bed with ease, completely fine.

"Didn't you say your hand is sore and you can't eat?" I frowned, expressing a mix of mild simle, surprise, and doubt.

"Oh, look, it's well now," he replied, a hint of embarrassment evident as his lie got exposed.

Aly and Joe both giggled.

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