save a life

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hello, I see you're still wondering about me and my
mother, I don't have the answers to my death
but my mother found that rotten turd she once called her husband.
I do have a huge ask of whoever you are taking care of
Matthew he is only two by now three he is a smart loving
little guy please don't allow him to become another victim by letting him getting lost in a horrible system please that's all I ask and if you keep him raise him right give all the and attention I could give him anymore I became his mother
the day he was born, his mother ignored and neglected him. Do not get me started on what will happen to him. If his sperm donar gets him, Matthew won't stand a chance, so please give him that chance.
oh, Matthew's birth records are in my sock draw .
do the right thing
thank you in advance

Dalila RaeWhere stories live. Discover now