naming a company

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Nia, you haven't given your company a yet have you
Max, do you think it would be appropriate to add a friend's
name even if that friend is dead
Nia, are you speaking of
Det Raymond Black
Max, yeah, he gave me the idea in a way
Nia Lara jones journals.
Max, I believe he knew somehow he wasn't getting out of that house alive he did
save several other girls that day he tried to save Lara's life
but in doing so, it cost him his as well.
Nia, anyone willing to give up their own life for a stranger
should have their name on something a street or company his son Bobby would be proud of.
what do you think of
Longaway Black and son
Nia now that would make his son proud
Max, he never told me about
Bobby or his wife
Nia. his wife in a word is a bitch
Max you know her
Nia unfortunately I do she belongs to a couple of the
ladies groups that I attend
Max what's her name
Nia you will find that out the day you open the doors to your company she will be there acting as if she cared .
Max just what I need in my life more crazy drama.

Dalila RaeWhere stories live. Discover now