the evil we saw

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we silently entered back of the warehouse where girls are said to be kept before auction
Tia, one of our best spies, went down to what she called hell
we followed closely behind. We made the plan never separate no matter what you see or who.
the lowest smelled of blood fear and death we silently
moved forward, girls' blood curdling screaming along with the sound of a whip hitting flesh
the men laughed at their pain
we moved carefully to the cells we witnessed rapes beatings all order by one man
we decided to do silent kills
saving him for last .
we back out and one by one
his men fell all had their throats slit so deep their heads barely clug to their rotting bodies
now it was his turn, the so-called boss we made or presents known the arrogant fool began shouting for his men.
I walked to him and told him
he is done his men are bleeding out as speak. that's
when the arrogance left his face now pure fear sat
give me those keys
he picked them up, shaking to the point where he almost dropped them once I freed those girls
I was far from done. I picked up a can of gasoline, pointing the nozzle only at him
and wishes him well in hell
and lit him up. we all left sound cruel even odd for someone like me, but I've had enough of these trafficer
and the law is not doing enough
street justice is often bloody
but well deserved.
Mike Longway
Bobby Black

Dalila RaeWhere stories live. Discover now